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Mr. Tapan Kumar Das has been associated with MIES Institute for the last 5 years as a Skill Development Officer. He has experience in teaching WBCS, SSC, PSC, RAIL, etc exams. He is very grateful to MIES Management for giving him a chance as a Skill Development Officer at MIES Institute which is one of the best competitive coaching centres in West Bengal. In His opinion, MIES Institute is one of the top competitive exam institutes in West Bengal. This is an awesome write-up from him on GLOBAL WARMING CAUSES AND EFFECT.

      MIES is a renowned coaching center for Govt. Job exams in West Bengal. Thousands of students appeared in Govt. service exam from MIES every year and got Govt. service maximum of them. MIES is the most popular institute among Govt. Job aspirants because of their specialty in School Service, WBCS, PSC, SSC, BANK, RAIL, etc exams.  MIES is a pioneer institute of West Bengal Civil Service coaching in West Bengal. As per the students’ version, MIES is the Best Training Academy for Govt. Job exam in West Bengal.


Introduction :

    Global warming is mainly a human-caused increase in global surface temperatures due to the rise in this global surface temperature. The earth’s climate also changes. So it is said, from a practical point of view that “Global Warming and climate change are often used interchangeably. Global warming and its effects on climate change include both global warming and climate change as demonstrated by direct temperature measurement and by measurement of various effects of warming.

    How Global Warming occurs :

    Global warming occurs when carbon dioxide (CO2) and other air pollutants and greenhouse gases collect in the atmosphere and absorb sunlight and solar radiation that have bounced off the earth’s surface. Normally, this radiation would escape into space – but these pollutants which can last for years to centuries in the atmosphere, trap the heat and cause the planet to get hotter. That is what is known as the greenhouse effect.

    Lately, the severity of global warming and climate change has been brought to our shocking notice through the hard-hitting bushfires engulfing the country – continent of Australia leaving its ecosystem in peril with over a billion species of animals & birds lost, thousands of human inhabitants displaced and even lost their lives.

    Effects of it :

    The effects of global warming include rising sea levels, regional changes in precipitation, more frequent extreme weather events such as heat waves, and the expansion of deserts. Ocean acidification is also caused by greenhouse gas emissions and is commonly grouped with these effects even though it is not driven by temperature. Surface temperature increases are greatest in the Arctic which has contributed to the retreat of glaciers, permanently frozen subsoil, and sea ice. Overall, higher temperatures bring more rain and snowfall, but some regions – increase drought and wildfires.

    Global warming causing changes in the climate threatens to diminish crop yields, harming food security & rising sea levels may flood coastal infrastructure and force the abandonment of many coastal cities, extinction or relocation of many species from this planet, will global warming cause change in the ecosystem affecting environments of coral reefs, maintains, and the Arctic.

    How the effects of global warming affecting & destroying the world’s biggest mangrove, the Sunderbans and causing increasingly intense tropical storms including the destruction of nature, houses, and properties & species of this planet :

    Because of global warming; causing accelerating sea-level rise is likely to submerge the Sunderbans due to the destruction of mangroves. This concerned mangroves of Sunderbans could absorb & resist the high force of wind and wind, lessen the rampage caused by cyclones & other storms. Now scientists predict that under such a continuously increased high emission scenario & sea-level rise may totally inundate most of the Sunderbans by the middle of this century & wipe out totally by the end of the century.

    It is sure that without the existence of this biggest mangrove, that day is not very far that Kolkata city & its people may go underwater & destroyed due to high wind force and increasingly rising of sea level.

    The Amazon effects for resistance to global warming interconnected with climatic change :    

    The Amazon in South America is over 2.1 million square miles dense with rain forest which is more than half of the rainforest of the entire planet. Trees use the sun to create glucose from water and carbon dioxide. In the process, they release Oxygen into the air. Hence Amazon’s nickname is “lungs of the world” because it is responsible for so much production of Oxygen. There are concerns that the Amazon could become a net source rather than a sink (storage) of carbon dioxide (CO2), a gas emitted mainly from burning fossil fuels, coal, oil, and natural gas – and the major driver for global climate change.

    The Amazon due to its massive oxygen release into the atmosphere works in the significant reduction /or resistance to global warming no doubt.

    This natural massive effect of the Amazon’s vast rainforest causes resistance as well as a reduction in global warming, which today has been destroyed extremely by the multi-nationals as they are invading the Amazon for their business benefit since the high price and demand for Amazonian hardwood all over the world. There are also farmers, Practically cattle ranchers, and soy farmers, who illegally clear areas for their farms.

    Artificial effects

    So the bad luck of the planet and its species majorly human beings who are vitally responsible for the deforestation of the Amazon rainforest is progressing rapidly, with close to 20% of the forest gone in the last 40 years. (As per Alejandra Borunda’s Internet published on August 29, 2019)

    Besides, thousands of fires are burning across a Southern Swath of the Amazon. They belch smoke and root, blanketing those who live downwind with thick, dirty air, hurting wildlife in their path, and destroying part of one of the most important carbon storehouses left on the planet.

    Hence due to the raising of global warming, the lungs of the world is showing early signs of malfunctioning with all the bad effects mentioned above now affecting not only the region but the whole planet.

    Main causes of Global Warming :

    The main causes of Global Warming are deforestation through permanent land use for agricultural products such as beef & palm oil (27%), Forestry/forest products (26%), short-term agricultural products (24%), and wildfires (23%). Current Patterns of land use affect global warming in a variety of ways. Land provides the principal basis for human livelihoods and its well-being which includes the supply of food, fresh water & multiple other ecosystem services, as well as biodiversity.

    Human use directly affects more than 70% of the global, ice-free land surface. Land therefore plays an important role to affect in global warming and the climate system.

    Thus for humans much as agriculture, foresting & other land use (AFOL4) activities accented for around 10% of CO2, 44% of Methane (CH4), and 80% of the nitrous oxide (N1O) emissions from human activities have been causing global warming which affects global and regional climate.

    Global Warming related to international factors :

    The largest Human influence in respect of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide in the present century. The global surface temperature is likely to rise a further 0.03o to 1.7o C  in a moderate scenario or as much as 2.6 to 4.8 o C   in an extreme scenario according to the findings of the rate of future greenhouse gas emissions and climate feedback effects which has been recognized by the national science academies of the major industrialized nations and are not disputed by any scientific body of national or international standings.

    Remedial Actions :

    In 1919, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres cried: ‘We are losing the race’ due to global warming & climate change. The Governments of the nations must feel the emergency & need to run faster to save every indivisuals – he said.

    The International Body under the UNO IPCC (The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) should stimulate research in climate science to produce concrete reports on how it contributes to lessening global warming ensure a significant check the climate change & thereby strengthen the United Nations Framework Convention on climate change (UNFCCC).

    The IPCC reported that was human influence extremely responsible as was dominantly causing global warming in the 20th century in many ways.

    The UNFCCC has concluded with its unanimous decision in a convention with the presence consent of all member nations that the ultimate and inevitable action is to prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system of the earth’s surface temperature must be cut to limit the global warming below 2OC(3.6OF).

    Some common & vital steps and actions by institutions, families, and individuals might particularly contribute to the reduction or restriction of global warming limit:

    At the institutional, family & individual levels humans take small steps in their day-to-day lives which can ultimately yield surprising results.

    Such activities include :

    • Food habit change to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
    • Sustained habit of energy & water consumption which would help in the prevention of overuse & exploitation of energy and water resources (say switching the lights off & closing the water firmly to avoid leaking after use.)
    • Wide-spread tree plantations to recover and produce the effective green cover of the world to ensure a sufficient supply of fresh air for the coming generations.


    Since there is no perfect analog for the changes that are expected as a result of our dramatic increase in the heat-trapping gases since the industrial revolution on this earth, we can use a climatic event that happened 55 million years ago – the Paleocene – Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) & the then natural climate records show that the earth’s average global temperature rose by approximately 11 degrees Fahrenheit (6 degrees Celsius) & the result was that those plants & animal which couldn’t adapt was wiped out.

    Whether current Plants & Animals will be able to adapt to upcoming changes in climate – remains an open question. Some species flourish, some will struggle & some will vanish that is what happened due to the causes of global warming and effect

    Indian Government has stepped up with a positive response towards reducing global warming as a responsible & conscious participant under the umbrella of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), of which the goal is to prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system of the planet.

      It was per the Assessment report of the intergovernmental panel on global climate change due to global warming which concluded that “It is extremely likely that human influence has been the dominant cause of the observed global warming since the mid-20th century.”

      The UNFCCC incited & agreed on the most emergent requirement of deep cuts in global current emissions levels to save the human race. 

      In 2018, in respect of resolving international conflicts and for peaceful unity & understanding among all nations, at the convention at Davos, Sri Narendra Modi highlighted in his plenary & keynote speech that there are major points of solving all the global problems & conflicts of which number one was (1) Reducing global warming, (2) Terrorism & (3) Protectionism as three major global challenges & expressed confidence that all nations can tackle with collective effect.

      Sri Narendra Modi asserted in favor of the world’s united challenge against global warming which must be controlled at a human level. He assured in his statement five points of commitment.
      1. India is committed to bringing down emissions to net 0 by 2070.
      2. Fulfilling 50% of India’s energy requirement from renewable energy.
      3. Increasing non-fossil energy capacity to 500 gigabytes.
      4. Reducing total projected carbon emission by one billion tons.
      5. Reducing carbon intensity by 45%.

      Hopefully, it can be concluded that the Indian Government always resolutely shares the reasonable role of global necessity in any respect or field area or issue.

      MIES Institute is one of the Best Institute for PSC, SSC, RAIL, and BANK exams preparation in Kolkata of West Bengal, situated at Sonarpur (HO), Sealdah (Main City Centre), Branches at Barasat, Behala Chowrasta. Moreover, this Institute is one of the best coaching for Govt. Job exam preparation in West Bengal. MIES Institute is the topmost competitive institute for the Civil Service Exam. As per the competitive exam is a concern our faculty has written this write-up on global warming causes and effect in such a manner that will cover the whole concept

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