MIES Group

21st Century Communication

Fusce vitae eros dignissim, ultricies tortor vitae, aliquam elit. Proin ultrices viverra sodales. Cras sed felis sed mauris gravida feugiat vestibulum ac nisi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam ipsum neque, suscipit ac eleifend in, molestie eget tellus. Phasellus convallis risus eros, ac varius odio aliquet pharetra. Integer mollis lacinia nunc eu mattis. Proin eget orci nisl. Etiam fringilla nec nisl sed imperdiet. Nunc id justo pulvinar justo fringilla ultricies. Fusce fringilla, tellus id dictum dapibus, dui magna convallis lorem, eu auctor purus felis id diam. Quisque pulvinar, nisi aliquam feugiat convallis, sem turpis dapibus mauris, quis feugiat orci urna id diam. Ut porta ultricies diam eu feugiat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas a maximus massa. Nulla sagittis et velit in tempus. Nulla vitae suscipit eros. Donec ut risus euismod, aliquet nibh ac, volutpat purus. Ut tempus mollis risus, vitae commodo ligula ultricies nec. Nulla laoreet sagittis mi mattis hendrerit. Nunc dictum tortor quis mauris fermentum sodales. Maecenas vulputate turpis velit, vitae imperdiet orci finibus at. Donec eu nisi imperdiet, suscipit tellus et, sodales dui. Sed posuere sagittis justo, sed egestas neque efficitur id. Donec ornare ut diam sed sagittis. Vivamus elit neque, dignissim sit amet mauris id, suscipit eleifend lectus. Aenean eu malesuada velit. Nunc fringilla vel orci quis cursus. Integer ut sodales tellus. Pellentesque ornare condimentum diam et ultricies. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aenean odio nisi, sodales eget posuere quis, lacinia ac nunc. Mauris tempor ligula mauris, quis tincidunt mauris fermentum vitae. Vivamus vitae sagittis elit, in feugiat dolor. Phasellus hendrerit lorem id enim viverra, accumsan pellentesque nisl malesuada.

Legal Aspects of Law

Integer rhoncus eget ante ut condimentum. Vestibulum sit amet est ut sem lobortis varius a ac neque. Etiam nec elementum nulla. Ut vel sodales risus, eu gravida diam. Sed laoreet libero mi, ac posuere justo suscipit et. Fusce tempus ante in lectus commodo, non ornare leo fringilla. Nulla porttitor erat pharetra, blandit lorem nec, mollis elit. Cras pulvinar arcu ut elit semper, eu ultrices turpis pulvinar. Cras ut mi sit amet neque faucibus dictum vitae nec lorem. Praesent nulla risus, aliquet quis pharetra a, luctus id augue. Ut rhoncus purus vitae libero scelerisque ultrices. Nunc nec porttitor nibh. Donec bibendum, arcu imperdiet molestie aliquet, dui neque posuere felis, sed faucibus mauris ligula ac metus. Proin auctor metus ac sapien accumsan interdum. Duis gravida vitae ipsum at sagittis. Maecenas non dictum eros. Phasellus lobortis odio vitae nunc efficitur, et porta justo porttitor. Etiam tempor, velit at blandit fringilla, diam tellus facilisis enim, quis fermentum arcu elit vulputate massa. Ut feugiat ligula in turpis consectetur, nec varius diam venenatis. In arcu nulla, bibendum ac ligula a, bibendum finibus purus. Vestibulum sit amet purus lorem. Aenean egestas massa sed turpis fringilla, ut fringilla lectus fringilla. Morbi dignissim odio eget mauris interdum, malesuada mattis orci tempor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Maecenas hendrerit mattis libero vel tempor. In rutrum, metus id sodales lacinia, mauris metus pellentesque est, eu vehicula lectus magna vel leo. Nullam consequat, lectus et rhoncus fringilla, felis elit euismod nulla, nec commodo mauris nunc non tellus. Quisque euismod lobortis pellentesque. Maecenas vestibulum, lacus eu tristique fermentum, neque eros tempus mi, at gravida lacus dolor a sapien. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus at fermentum nunc, tincidunt tempus sapien. Sed a elit in dui aliquet viverra. Nunc non massa a libero venenatis molestie. Fusce et rutrum nunc. Duis vulputate bibendum varius.

The Hospitality Industry

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nisl tortor, tincidunt ut tincidunt at, rutrum non felis. Nulla maximus volutpat mollis. Vestibulum blandit ex in fringilla vehicula. Ut gravida turpis id mollis vehicula. Duis ultrices consequat tortor rutrum lacinia. Curabitur ultricies auctor diam, et blandit risus imperdiet vel. Cras condimentum elit sed leo aliquam feugiat. Nulla ac facilisis nunc. Mauris ipsum nunc, auctor ut diam quis, pellentesque sollicitudin risus. Ut consequat et sapien in posuere. Nulla facilisi. Mauris eleifend orci in felis luctus, vel hendrerit tortor tempus. Cras sem velit, molestie sit amet orci porttitor, lacinia dictum lorem. Morbi fermentum porttitor lorem, efficitur convallis lorem hendrerit nec. Nullam imperdiet tristique vulputate. Donec egestas vehicula libero, non bibendum libero fringilla id. Quisque auctor interdum urna ut auctor. Donec sed felis fermentum, hendrerit nisi at, commodo ipsum. Nam hendrerit, neque sed dapibus dapibus, elit urna eleifend ante, eget congue enim leo vitae felis. Morbi sed consequat lectus, eu mattis enim. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Phasellus cursus malesuada orci vitae viverra. Morbi suscipit non ante sed tempor. In id nulla pharetra, maximus arcu sed, facilisis nisl. Nulla nisi velit, semper a fermentum a, lobortis a eros. Praesent gravida vitae purus nec sollicitudin. Nam eget purus id ante pretium consequat. Phasellus dolor magna, cursus at metus sit amet, pretium commodo justo. Pellentesque cursus, augue nec pellentesque ullamcorper, sem ante hendrerit nisl, in interdum purus lorem nec nunc. Praesent gravida pellentesque sapien quis efficitur. Ut a scelerisque risus. Etiam eu consequat leo, rhoncus semper velit. Donec eget lobortis justo. Praesent dapibus nibh vitae congue pharetra.  

The Education

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nisl tortor, tincidunt ut tincidunt at, rutrum non felis. Nulla maximus volutpat mollis. Vestibulum blandit ex in fringilla vehicula. Ut gravida turpis id mollis vehicula. Duis ultrices consequat tortor rutrum lacinia. Curabitur ultricies auctor diam, et blandit risus imperdiet vel. Cras condimentum elit sed leo aliquam feugiat. Nulla ac facilisis nunc. Mauris ipsum nunc, auctor ut diam quis, pellentesque sollicitudin risus. Ut consequat et sapien in posuere. Nulla facilisi. Mauris eleifend orci in felis luctus, vel hendrerit tortor tempus. Cras sem velit, molestie sit amet orci porttitor, lacinia dictum lorem. Morbi fermentum porttitor lorem, efficitur convallis lorem hendrerit nec. Nullam imperdiet tristique vulputate. Donec egestas vehicula libero, non bibendum libero fringilla id. Quisque auctor interdum urna ut auctor. Donec sed felis fermentum, hendrerit nisi at, commodo ipsum. Nam hendrerit, neque sed dapibus dapibus, elit urna eleifend ante, eget congue enim leo vitae felis. Morbi sed consequat lectus, eu mattis enim. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Phasellus cursus malesuada orci vitae viverra. Morbi suscipit non ante sed tempor. In id nulla pharetra, maximus arcu sed, facilisis nisl. Nulla nisi velit, semper a fermentum a, lobortis a eros. Praesent gravida vitae purus nec sollicitudin. Nam eget purus id ante pretium consequat. Phasellus dolor magna, cursus at metus sit amet, pretium commodo justo. Pellentesque cursus, augue nec pellentesque ullamcorper, sem ante hendrerit nisl, in interdum purus lorem nec nunc. Praesent gravida pellentesque sapien quis efficitur. Ut a scelerisque risus. Etiam eu consequat leo, rhoncus semper velit. Donec eget lobortis justo. Praesent dapibus nibh vitae congue pharetra.

Current situation of COVID 19

Current situation of COVID-19

Current situation of COVID 19 It’s been a privilege to introduce a write up from one of the best Govt. Exam Coaching Institute, MIES Group. An informative article on the current situation of COVID 19 is been written by on the top faculty of this best Govt. Service Exam Coaching Center. Ms. Mahejabin Khatun, she had brilliantly described in this article about the current situation of COVID 19. In such a way that it will enhance and aware more to mankind. MIES Group is one of the Top Competitive Exam Preparation Institute of West Bengal, Head Office at Sonarpur, South Kolkata. And Main city Center at Sealdah and other places of West Bengal. MIES, One of the Top Competitive Institute in West Bengal has provided the best teaching in Competitive Exam. And moreover, organize the best Test series for Govt. Service Exams. The entire world is going through a pandemic which had never happened or even thought of before. With the outbreak of the pandemic causing the Corona Virus a lot of chaos can be witnessed globally. Moreover, the deadly virus that originated in China spread to the world with the blink of an eye and did global destruction. Since the death toll is rising at an alarming rate. And besides that, the panic amongst the general public is increasing. Also to make it very difficult for the government around the world to handle. It is well known that since we don’t have any vaccine to cure COVID-19. So, we can only practice precautions as advised by the World Health Organization (WHO) to stay away from the virus. Moreover, self-isolation, being quarantined, maintaining social distancing are important. And moreover, practicing personal hygiene is the only way as of now to prevent the spread of the virus. Indian Govt. vs CORONA VIRUS We have already witnessed how COVID-19 has made the government of the most developed nation, helpless. It is high time we Indians realize that with a population of over 1.3 billion. Illiteracy, poor hygiene practiced by many, scarcity of medical help. And moreover, most importantly adamant nature of some Indians. Therefore, if we don’t follow the guidelines of WHO rigorously the condition of India can be worse than that of Italy. So this is the more or less the current situation of COVID 19 in India. When the cases started rising in India as well. The Indian government tried its first card to combat the virus by announcing a one-day Janata Curfew on22nd March 2020 which was strictly adhered to quite an extend. Following the Janata Curfew, the Central Government announced a 21-day lockdown in the entire nation with an effort to fight against the Corona Virus. But people started taking the lockdown very lightly, they, were not staying quarantined. Moreover, there were long lines outside the shops because people started panic buying. While there were a few who took the lockdown period as a vacation or a holiday to party. Govt. Competitive Exam canceled going through a Pandemic: It is seen some people don’t value their lives, their family’s lives, keep aside the nation and roam around freely. There is an urgent need to educate the Indians of the seriousness of the situation, and the best way is to make them aware of the laws related to COVID-19 and let them know the consequences they can face for breaking the rules of the lockdown. Here are a few laws related to the current situation of COVID-19 that should be known to all citizens of India. a) Section 271 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860: “Disobedience to quarantine rule. This section clearly says that whosoever disobeys the quarantine rule shall be punished with imprisonment or fine or both. b) Section 269 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860: “Negligent act likely to spread infection of disease danger­ous to life. This section applies to those who negligently act to spread the virus. They shall be penalized with imprisonment or fine or both. c) Section 270 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860:  “Malignant act likely to spread infection of disease danger­ous to life. This law is for those who know the consequence of their actions could lead to the spread of the virus and still choose to do such an act shall be penalized. d) The Epidemic Disease Act, 1897:  Power to take special measures and prescribe regulations as a too dangerous epidemic disease. When at any time the [State Government] is satisfied that [the State] or any part thereof is visited by, or threatened with, an outbreak of any dangerous epidemic disease, the [State Government], if [it] thinks that the ordinary provisions of the law for the time being in force are insufficient for the purpose, may take, or require or empower any person to take, such measures and, by public notice, prescribe such temporary regulations to be observed by the public or by any person or class of persons as [it] shall deem necessary to prevent the outbreak of such disease or the spread thereof, and may determine in what manner and by whom any expenses incurred (including compensation if any) shall be defrayed.  In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions, the [State Government] may take measures and prescribe regulations for. The inspection of persons traveling by railway or otherwise, and the segregation, in hospital, temporary accommodation or otherwise, of persons suspected by the inspecting officer of being infected with any such disease. Powers of Central Government:  When the Central Government is satisfied that India or any part thereof is visited by, or threatened with, an outbreak of any dangerous epidemic disease and that the ordinary provisions of the law for the time being in force are insufficient to prevent the outbreak of such disease or the spread thereof, the Central Government may take measures and prescribe regulations for the inspection of any ship or vessel leaving or arriving at any port in 2 [the territories to which this Act extends] and for such detention thereof,

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur

Ncididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nos-trud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Due aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur

Ncididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nos-trud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Due aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum.

Mission, Vision, Goal

Mission, Vision, Goal

Mission The very mission of MIES is to prepare intellectually, stimulatingly & thoughtfully designed study material and Teaching Methodology. To explore the realm of the world-class educational vision Vision To inculcate in the mind of student’s values & ethics that lead to creating successful working professionals and good human beings. Goal Committed to giving total student’s satisfaction, enhancing their overall personality. To develop in students wisdom that translates academic achievement into a responsible citizen

Class Test Result

MIES Class Test Result All Centre GK Full Marks- 30, Time- 20 Minutes [table id=”1″ responsive=”” responsive_breakpoint=””]


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