MIES Group



GLOBAL UNITY – MY UNPRETENTIOUS UNDERSTANDING Mr. Tapan Kumar Das has been associated with MIES Institute for the last 5 years as a Skill Development Officer. He has extensive experience teaching WBCS, SSC, PSC, RAIL, Bank, School Service, Primary TET, Upper Primary TET etc exams. With his wisdom and understanding, he comes with this awesome write-up about global unity. He is very grateful to MIES Management for giving him a chance as a Skill Development Officer at MIES Institute, one of the best competitive coaching centers in West Bengal. In His opinion, MIES Institute is one of the top competitive exam institutes in West Bengal.                MIES is a renowned coaching centre for Govt—job exams in West Bengal. Thousands of students appear in the government service exam from MIES every year and get Government service maximum of them. MIES is the most popular institute among Government Job aspirants because of its specialty in School Service, WBCS, PSC, SSC, BANK, RAIL, Primary, and Upper Primary TET, etc exams. Students are given a huge number of Class Tests, Model Tests, and Mock Tests and also Practice a huge number of Online Tests through MIES APP in their course curriculum.  MIES is a pioneer institute of West Bengal Civil Service coaching in West Bengal. As per the students’ version, MIES is the Best Training Academy for Govt. Job exam in West Bengal. Humanistic values, humane insight Today, the whole of humanity has turned to a juncture where it might perish or be destroyed if the human race with its varied religions and cultures does not start yearning & striving to be united & harmonized through humanistic values, humane insight, and broad mutual understanding among themselves in the light and vision of International brotherhood based on secular and virtuous knowledge with unified and humanistic education from the beginning of every life in every country that good and virtuous soul get enhanced in numbers in the globe to save the humanity. All humans must eliminate and root out every sense and feeling of religious superstitions and fundamentalism, communalism & dogmatism forever to establish human unity & global peace. It is an unfailing truth and fact that the human world cannot survive and exist nicely if every citizen of each nation does not have an ideal, moral and physical growth and stability along with uniform psychological vision and positive mental attitude and strength with the very trust that all people of the world are the same and equal human beings in body, mind, heart, and soul with the same flesh, blood, and spirit with a pure conscience of humanity, love and secular thoughts and sense of equanimity and commonness of thought & true humane vision which certainly shall lead all such humans into global unity, is my unpretentious understanding. Lovers and servers of humanity & human unity Everywhere such educated people of the same thirst and hunger and being true lovers and servers of humanity & human unity and understanding shall certainly ensure a peaceful living world. Such people who are always ready to work and struggle & remain even-minded in love, will and spirit of compassion and sacrifice can sustain a high level of goodness & excellence, able to protect the humanity & human world from all ongoing atrocities, chaos, unrest, conflicts, wars & bloodshed as happening all around the world. TODAY’S EDUCATION SYSTEM OF THE WORLD FOR ALL HUMANS EITHER YOUNG OR OF ANY AGE NEEDS TO BE NEWLY REFORMED & FORMULATED IN THE NEW WORLD ORDER & IN A BROADER GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE. The education that has so far prevailed or enforced was based on limited perspectives & on narrow confines of human minds within the bounds of limited individual & national aims & culture only, but not in a wider worldview perspective. Hence, today it is necessary for all human minds to be widely broadened to embrace the entire world of humanity. Global Harmony So it is now immensely significant for creating a new allegiance from a global perspective which is very vital prerequisite to global harmony, unity, and understanding all over. This education must be a new type to ensure the shaping and development of human minds to raise global consciousness in every educated & learner mind with an urge, feeling, and spirit and the educational system will thus be conceived for making every individual and learner strengthened as cultural and well-mannered part of the whole humanity, not bound by any one culture but as one great global culture, a new order of human life and discipline in one’s thinking and uniting in the same spirit, actions and interactions towards the same goal. IN RESPECT OF GLOBAL UNITY & UNDERSTANDING, THE THEME OF THE INDIAN UPANISHADS IS INDEED NECESSARY TO FIND THE ULTIMATE UNITY OF THINGS & LIVES. It says knowledge is nothing but finding unity in the midst of diversity. Every science is based on this truth, now if the task of small fragments of human knowledge is called science, then that means finding unity in the midst of different phenomena & the task becomes Stupendous in the midst of a marvelously diversified universe. This world has Unnumbered differences in name & form, in matter and spirit thought differing from each other’s thought. Each form differs from every other form, yet humanity needs to harmonize with all those many differences of the unending world with its infinite variety of land & set at every natural unity directed as truths by the Indian Upanishads. Hence Indian thought & vision of UNITY IN DIVERSITY among all different religions & cultures and languages should be the model for the present world poised for global unity based on the ever underlying Unity between man and man, religion and religion. culture & culture which is deeply rooted in the souls & minds, spirits, and thoughts as the National Ideal and Philosophy of life in India poised for global human understanding & unity. International Understanding of Human Unity It is indeed a proud privilege for the



GLOBAL WARMING CAUSES AND EFFECT Mr. Tapan Kumar Das has been associated with MIES Institute for the last 5 years as a Skill Development Officer. He has experience in teaching WBCS, SSC, PSC, RAIL, etc exams. He is very grateful to MIES Management for giving him a chance as a Skill Development Officer at MIES Institute which is one of the best competitive coaching centres in West Bengal. In His opinion, MIES Institute is one of the top competitive exam institutes in West Bengal. This is an awesome write-up from him on GLOBAL WARMING CAUSES AND EFFECT.       MIES is a renowned coaching center for Govt. Job exams in West Bengal. Thousands of students appeared in Govt. service exam from MIES every year and got Govt. service maximum of them. MIES is the most popular institute among Govt. Job aspirants because of their specialty in School Service, WBCS, PSC, SSC, BANK, RAIL, etc exams.  MIES is a pioneer institute of West Bengal Civil Service coaching in West Bengal. As per the students’ version, MIES is the Best Training Academy for Govt. Job exam in West Bengal. GLOBAL WARMING CAUSES AND EFFECT Introduction : Global warming is mainly a human-caused increase in global surface temperatures due to the rise in this global surface temperature. The earth’s climate also changes. So it is said, from a practical point of view that “Global Warming and climate change are often used interchangeably. Global warming and its effects on climate change include both global warming and climate change as demonstrated by direct temperature measurement and by measurement of various effects of warming. How Global Warming occurs : Global warming occurs when carbon dioxide (CO2) and other air pollutants and greenhouse gases collect in the atmosphere and absorb sunlight and solar radiation that have bounced off the earth’s surface. Normally, this radiation would escape into space – but these pollutants which can last for years to centuries in the atmosphere, trap the heat and cause the planet to get hotter. That is what is known as the greenhouse effect. Lately, the severity of global warming and climate change has been brought to our shocking notice through the hard-hitting bushfires engulfing the country – continent of Australia leaving its ecosystem in peril with over a billion species of animals & birds lost, thousands of human inhabitants displaced and even lost their lives. Effects of it : The effects of global warming include rising sea levels, regional changes in precipitation, more frequent extreme weather events such as heat waves, and the expansion of deserts. Ocean acidification is also caused by greenhouse gas emissions and is commonly grouped with these effects even though it is not driven by temperature. Surface temperature increases are greatest in the Arctic which has contributed to the retreat of glaciers, permanently frozen subsoil, and sea ice. Overall, higher temperatures bring more rain and snowfall, but some regions – increase drought and wildfires. Global warming causing changes in the climate threatens to diminish crop yields, harming food security & rising sea levels may flood coastal infrastructure and force the abandonment of many coastal cities, extinction or relocation of many species from this planet, will global warming cause change in the ecosystem affecting environments of coral reefs, maintains, and the Arctic. How the effects of global warming affecting & destroying the world’s biggest mangrove, the Sunderbans and causing increasingly intense tropical storms including the destruction of nature, houses, and properties & species of this planet : Because of global warming; causing accelerating sea-level rise is likely to submerge the Sunderbans due to the destruction of mangroves. This concerned mangroves of Sunderbans could absorb & resist the high force of wind and wind, lessen the rampage caused by cyclones & other storms. Now scientists predict that under such a continuously increased high emission scenario & sea-level rise may totally inundate most of the Sunderbans by the middle of this century & wipe out totally by the end of the century. It is sure that without the existence of this biggest mangrove, that day is not very far that Kolkata city & its people may go underwater & destroyed due to high wind force and increasingly rising of sea level. The Amazon effects for resistance to global warming interconnected with climatic change :     The Amazon in South America is over 2.1 million square miles dense with rain forest which is more than half of the rainforest of the entire planet. Trees use the sun to create glucose from water and carbon dioxide. In the process, they release Oxygen into the air. Hence Amazon’s nickname is “lungs of the world” because it is responsible for so much production of Oxygen. There are concerns that the Amazon could become a net source rather than a sink (storage) of carbon dioxide (CO2), a gas emitted mainly from burning fossil fuels, coal, oil, and natural gas – and the major driver for global climate change. The Amazon due to its massive oxygen release into the atmosphere works in the significant reduction /or resistance to global warming no doubt. This natural massive effect of the Amazon’s vast rainforest causes resistance as well as a reduction in global warming, which today has been destroyed extremely by the multi-nationals as they are invading the Amazon for their business benefit since the high price and demand for Amazonian hardwood all over the world. There are also farmers, Practically cattle ranchers, and soy farmers, who illegally clear areas for their farms. Artificial effects So the bad luck of the planet and its species majorly human beings who are vitally responsible for the deforestation of the Amazon rainforest is progressing rapidly, with close to 20% of the forest gone in the last 40 years. (As per Alejandra Borunda’s Internet published on August 29, 2019) Besides, thousands of fires are burning across a Southern Swath of the Amazon. They belch smoke and root, blanketing those who live downwind with thick, dirty air, hurting wildlife in their path,