MIES Group


RECRUITMENT TO THE POST of SOCIAL SECURITY ASSISTANT in Employees’Provident Fund Organization. DATES FOR SUBMISSION OF ONLINE APPLICATIONS & FEE PAYMENT (Online only): 27th March 2023 to 26th April 2023 Duration for correction in the particulars of an application form (Online only): 27th April 2023 to 28th April 2023 Essential Educational AND Other Qualifications : *AGE LIMIT : *APPLICATION FEE/ PROCEDURE FOR PAYMENT /SERVICE CHARGES OF BANKS : Fee Payable (through: Online Mode) Name of Post Social Security Assistant General/EWS/OBC Rs. 700/- SC/ST/* PwBD/Female Candidates/Ex-Servicemen NIL Note: (1) Fees shall be accepted through ONLINE mode ONLY. *MODE OF PAYMENT AND SERVICE CHARGES : S.No. Mode of Payment Canara Bank   1 Net Banking Canara Bank Nill Charges   Other Bank 5.00+GST   2 Debit Cards Rupay Card of Canara Bank or Other Banks Nill Charges   3 Credit Cards Domestic 0.80%+GST   International 2.35%+GST   4 Unified Payment Interface (UPI) Nill Charge   0 SCHEME OF EXAMINATION : The scheme of Examination for the post of Social Security Assistant is as under:- 0 Phase 1.. Examination: Sr. No. Name of the Test (Objective Tests) No. of Qs. Max. Marks Duration 1 General Aptitude 30 120 2 Hours and 30 Minutes (150 Minutes) 2 General Knowledge/ General Awareness 30 120 3 Quantitative Ability 30 120 4 General English with *Comprehension 50 200 5. Computer  Literacy 10 40   Total 150 600 For more details please go through the original notification Application link: https://recruitment .nta.nic.in OR www.epfindia.gov.in


WEST BENGAL CIVIL SERVICE (EXE.) etc.Exam·2023 by Public Service Commission, West Bengal The Preliminary Examination will be held tentatively in the month of June 2023 or thereabout. GROUPING OF SERVICES: The services and posts to which recruitment is made on the results of the W.B.C.S. (Exe.) etc. Examinations are divided into groups: A, B, C, and D with a graduated syllabus. A candidate may compete for one or more groups but is required to submit one application only indicating the choice of group(s). CHOICE OF GROUPS OF SERVICES AND ALLOTMENT : i) As already stated, a candidate may apply for one or more of the four groups of services, viz., A, B, C, and D. The candidate is required to state clearly in the appropriate column of the application the particular Group or Groups for which he/she intends to compete. No further application for a change of group (s) will be entertained. ii) A number of candidates selected in order of merit on the results of the Main Examination for all the services and posts included in Groups A, B, C, and D will have to appear at a Personality Test. No separate Personality Test will be held for different groups viz. Group-‘A’, Group-‘B’, Group-‘C’and Group-‘D’ in respect of a candidate. (iii} Candidates called to Personality Tests on the results of their Main Examination will be required to specify the order of their preference for the posts or services included in the Group or Groups for which they have applied. Choice of preference thus exercised will be deemed to be final and no alteration thereafter will be allowed. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: FOR:- EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION(Ason 21.03.2023): AGE(Asono1.01.2023): FEES: Rs.210/- (Rupees two hundred ten only) + Service Charge 1% of Examination Fee subject to a minimum of Rs.5/­ (Rupees five only) for online payment through debit/credit card plus service charge /GST as applicable as Govt. Duty or Service Charge of Rs.5/- (Rupees five only) for Net Banking or Service Charge of Rs.20/- (Rupees twenty only) for payment through Bank Counter (off-line payment). SC/ST candidates of West Bengal and Persons with Disabilities (PWD) having physical disability of 40% and above are not required to pay any fee. OBC candidates of West Bengal are, however, required to pay the usual fee as aforesaid. NO EXEMPTION OF FEE IS AVAILABLE TO SC/ST/BC CANDIDATES OF OTHER STATES. No claims for refund of the fee will be entertained nor will it be held in reserve for any other examination. SCHEME OF THE EXAMINATION : (i} English Composition 25 Marks (ii) General Science 25 Marks (iii) Current events of National & International Importance 25 Marks (iv) History of India 25 Marks (v) Geography of India with special reference to West Bengal 25 Marks (vi) Indian Polity and Economy 25 Marks (vii) Indian National Movement 25 Marks (viii) General Mental Ability 25 Marks The standard of the paper will be the level of knowledge as expected of a graduate of any faculty of a recognized University. Main Examination:- The Main Examination shall consist of 6 (six) Compulsory papers and one optional subject consisting of two papers (Only for candidates applying for group and/or B to be chosen by the candidates from the list of optional subjects given below. There will be two papers on the optional subject for 200 marks each. Each paper, Compulsory or Optional, will carry 200 marks and will be of 3 hours duration. Out of six compulsory papers four papers i.e. (i) General Studies- 1,(ii) General Studies- II, (iiijThe Constitution of India and Indian Economy including role and functions of Reserve Bank of India,(iv) Arithmetic and Test of Reasoning will be of MCQ Type to be answered in OMR answer sheets (negative marking for each wrong answer to MCQ type) and remaining two compulsory papers i.e. Paper- I and Paper – II will be of conventional type written examination. Ill)PersonalltvTest:- For Group ‘A & ‘B’-200 Marks, Group ‘C’-150 Marks, Group ‘D’-100 Marks o Abstract Table of Papers I Subjects and Marks MainExamination and Personality Test : APPLICATION PROCEDURE : Applications can be submitted online only through https://wbpsc.gov.in/ SUBMISSION OF MORE THAN ONE APPLICATION BY THE SAME CANDIDATE IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN AND SUCH APPLICANT IS NOT LIABLE TO CANCELLATION. 0N.B.: (i) A candidate claiming to be S.C., S.T., B.C. (Non-Creamy Layer) or Persons with Disabilities (40% and above) must have a certificate in support of his/ her claim from a competent authority of West Bengal issued on or before the closing date of submission of application i.e. 24th March 2022.

Recruitment of Apprentice Development Officer (ADO)

On-line registration including Edit/Modification of Application by candidates and Payment of Application Fees (only Online): 21.01.2023 to 10.02.2023 Date of Online Preliminary Exam. :12th March 2023 (tentative). Date of Online Main Exam.:8th April 2023 (tentative). Age (As of 01.01.2023): The applicant shall have completed 21 years of age (in completed years) and not more than 30 years of age (in completed years) as of 01.01.2023, i.e. candidates must have been born not earlier than 02.01.1993 and no later than 01.01.2002 (both days inclusive) as of 01.01.2023. Relaxation of Upper age limit: SC/ ST – 5 years, OBC – 3 years.Persons With Disabilities – 10 years, Others as per rules. Educational Qualifications (As of 01.01.2023): An applicant from the Others category (Open Market ) for recruitment as an Apprentice Development Officer, in both Urban and Rural areas, should possess a Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University in India established under a statute/ approved for the purpose or the Fellowship of Insurance Institute of India, Mumbai. O Eligibility Conditions : The candidates eligible for recruitment are classified into three categories, namely, LIC Agents Category, LIC Employees Category, and Others Category (Open Market). LICAgents Category’means- LIC Employee Category means a confirmed whole-time salaried employee of LICOf India belonging to Class Illcadre. ‘Other’s Category’means the candidate from the open market. Experience: The applicant should have the requisite experience as of 01.01.2023 as indicated below:- Category of Applicant For Recruitment in Urban Area               | For Recruitment in Rural Area iii) Others Category (Open Market) Preference would be given to candidates who have at least 2 years of experience in the life insurance industry or in the marketing of financial products. Application Fees/ Intimation Charges (21.01.2023 to 10.02.2023): Bank Transaction charges for Online Payment of application fees/intimation charges will have to be borne by the candidate. The candidate will have to make the payment of Application Fees/Intimation Charges (Non-refundable) including GST, only through Online mode as under:   For SC/ST Candidates Intimation Charges of Rs.100/- (inclusive of GST) plus the Transaction Charges   Other than SC/ST Candidates Application Fees-cum-Intimation Charges of Rs. 750/- (inclusive of GST) plus the Transaction Charges Selection Procedure: Selection will be made on the basis of online tests, followed by an interview of the candidates who qualify in the on-line test and subsequent pre-recruitment Medical examination. Phase-I: Preliminary Examination: A preliminary Examination consisting of an objective test will be conducted online. The test will have three sections (with separate timings for each section) as follows: Section Name of test Number of Questions Maximum Marks Medium of exam Duration 1 Reasoning Ability 35 35 English & Hindi 20 minutes 2 Numerical Ability 35 35 English & Hindi 20 minutes 3 English Language 30 30** English 20 minutes TOTAL   100 70   1hour •• English Language test will be of qualifying nature and the marks in the English Language will not be counted for ranking. Phase-II: Main Examination: The Main Examination consisting of objective tests will be conducted online. The main examination will consist of objective tests for 160 marks for a composite duration of 120 minutes. Phase-Ill: Interview : The marks obtained in the main examination only will be considered for shortlisting for the interview. The marks obtained in the main examination and the marks obtained in the interview will be considered for the final merit listing of the candidates. Commensurate to the number of vacancies, LIC of India reserves the right to fix the eligibility standards and the minimum marks to qualify for the interview, in order to restrict the number of candidates to be called for the interview. The maximum marks for the interview are 40. Pre-Recruitment Medical Examination: The selected candidate will be appointed as an Apprentice Development Officer subject to him/her being found medically fit by the Medical Examiner authorized by LIC of India for the purpose. GUARANTEE BOND: Before joining as an Apprentice Development Officer, the candidate will be required to give the undertaking to serve LIC Of India for a minimum period of four years from the date of joining (including the apprenticeship period) failing which he/she or his/her heirs, executors, and administrators will be liable to pay liquidated damages of 3,00,000/- (Rupees Three lakh only) to LIC Of India. The candidate will have to submit an Indemnity Bond of 3,00,000/- (Rupees Three lakh only) duly stamped and executed by a Surety of sound financial standing and not related to the candidate. The stamp value of the Bondwillbeas applicable to the State in which the bond is executed. *   Candidates are advised in their own interest to apply online before the closing date and not to wait till the last date for depositing the fee/ intimation charges to avoid the possibility of disconnection/inability/failure to log on to the LIC website on account of heavy load on interest /website jam. LIC does not assume any responsibility for candidates not being able to submit their applications within the last date on account of the aforesaid reasons or for any other reason beyond the control of the LIC. personally and he/she shall be liable for prosecution/civil consequences in case the information/details * furnished by him/her are found to be false at a later stage. *Formore details please  go through the original notification

Recruitment of Assistant Administrative Officers (AAO) (Generalist) – 31st  Batch

On-line registration including Edit/Modification of Application by candidates and Payment of Application Fees (only Online): 15.01.2023 to 31.01.2023 Date of Online Preliminary Exam. : 17.02.2023 & 20.02.2023 (tentative). Date of Online Main Exam.:18.03.2023 (tentative). Age (As of 01.01.2023): Minimum Age shall be 21 years (completed) as of 01.01.2023. The maximum age shall not be more than 30 years (candidates must have been born not earlier than 02.01.1993 and not later than 01.01.2002 both days inclusive only are eligible). Relaxation of Upper age limit: SC/ ST – 5 years, OBC – 3 years.Persons With Disabilities – 10 years, Others as per rules. Educational Qualifications {As of 01.01.2023): Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline from a recognized Indian University/Institution. Application Fees/ Intimation Charges: Candidates will have to make the payment of Application Fees/Intimation Charges through the On-Line Mode as under: For SC/ST/ PwBD candidates Intimation Charges of Rs. 85/ – +Transaction Charges + GST For all other candidates Application Fee -cum- Intimation Charges of Rs. 700/ – + Transaction Charges + GST The application form is integrated with the payment gateway and the payment process can be completed by following the instructions. Selection Procedure: Selection of Assistant Administrative Officers will be done through a three-tiered process and subsequent Pre-recruitment Medical examination. Phase-I: Preliminary Examination: A preliminary Examination consisting of an objective test will be conducted online. The test will have three sections  (with separate timings for each section) as follows: ** English Language test will be of qualifying nature and the marks in the English Language will not be counted for ranking. Phase-II: Main Examination: The main examination will consist of objective tests for 300 marks and descriptive tests for 25 marks. Both the objective and descriptive tests will be online. The objective test will have separate timing for every section. Candidates will have to answer descriptive tests by typing on the computer. A descriptive test will be administered immediately after the completion of the objective test.