West Bengal Madrasah Service Commission
The West Bengal Madrasah Service Commission will conduct the 7th State Level Selection Test (Assistant Teacher),2023 The West Bengal Madrasah Service Commission will conduct the 7th State Level Selection Test (Assistant Teacher),2023 [7th SLST(AT),2023] for recruitment in tentative vacancies for the posts of Assistant Teachers for classes IX-X & classes XI-XII in non-Government, Aided Madrasahs of West Bengal as per West Bengal Madrasah Service Commission Recruitment (Selection and Recommendation of persons for Appointment and Transfer to the Posts ofTeacher and Non-Teaching Staff) Rules,2023 and as per NCTE guidelines. The online portal for submission of applications will be opened from: 12.05.2023 (4 p.m. onwards) to 12.06.2023. (12 p.m. midnight) AGE LIMIT (As of 01-01-2022): General Category: Minimum: 21 years as of 01.01.2023 (i.e., not born after 01.01.2002). Maximum: 40 years as of 01.01.2023 (i.e., not born before 01.01.1983) SC/ST Category: Relaxation of Maximum age for SC/ST/PH (Disability 40% and above) Candidates: Maximum: 45 years as of 01.01.2023 (i.e., not born before 01.01.1978) OBC Category: Relaxation of Maximum age for OBC Candidates: Maximum: 43 years as of 01.01.2023 (i.e., not born before 01.01.1980). …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………….. …………………………………. …………………………….. ESSENTIAL EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (Selection of Graduate Teachers for ClassesIX-X): i) Graduate or Post Graduate with 50% marks with B.Ed. or Graduate or Post Graduate with 45% marks with B.Ed.before 29.07.2011. ii) Studied 300 marks in the concerned subject. ESSENTIAL EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (Selection of Graduate Teachers for Classes XI-XII): Post Graduate in the concerned subject with 50% marks with B.Ed., or, Post Graduate in concerned MODE OF SELECTION: SELECTION OF GRADUATE TEACHERS FOR CLASSESIX-X: Main Examination (OMR -MCQ): 90 marks SELECTION OF POSTGRADUATE TEACHERS FOR CLASSES XI-XII: Main Examination (OMR -MCQ): 90 marks HOW TO APPLY: Applications must be submitted in only online mode at the website of WBMSC http://www.wbmsc.com Moreover, Candidates are advised in their own interest to submit online applications much before the closing date. And not to wait till the last date to avoid the possibility of disconnection/ inability or failure to login to the website on account of heavy load on the website during the closing days. PROCESS OF FILLING UP THE ONLINE APPLICATION FORM : There are four steps in this process (1. Register,2.Academics,3. Self Declaration,4.Payment) I: Applicant has to register himself/herself first. II: In this step, applicants have to fill out their academics. Ill: Self Declaration needs to be given by the applicant in this step. Step IV: Applicants make his/her payment of Rupees.500/-or 250/-through online payment gateway to complete the application process. The cost of the application is non-refundable. Document required at the time of application: Scan copy of applicant’s photo and signature, size- maximum 100 KB each, format JPEG/JPG or PNG.
Recruitment of Staffs Selection Commission
Recruitment of Staffs Selection Commission for COMBINED HIGHER SECONDARY (10+2) LEVEL EXAMINATION, 2023 Recruitment of Staffs Selection Commission Dates for submission of online applications: 09-05-2023 to 08-06-2023 Last date and time for making online fee payment:10-06-2023 (23:00) Last date and time for generation of offline Challan: is 11-06-2023 (23:00) Last date for payment through Challan (during working hours of Bank): 12-06-2023 Dates of ‘Window for Application Form Correction’: 14-06-2023 to 15-06-2023 (23:00) “GOVERNMENT STRIVES TO HAVE A WORKFORCE WHICH REFLECTS GENDER BALANCE AND WOMEN CANDIDATES ARE ENCOURAGED TO APPLY” ESSENTIAL EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (As of 01-08-2023): AGE LIMIT (As of 01-08-2023): The age limit for the posts is 18-27 years i.e. Candidates born not before 02-08-1996 and not later than 01-08-2005 are eligible to apply. APPLICATION FEE: WINDOW FOR APPLICATION FORM CORRECTION [14-06-2023 to 15-06-2023 (23:00 hours]: HOW TO APPLY: Applications must be submitted in only online mode at the website of SSC Headquarters i.e. https://ssc.nic.in. Candidates are advised in their own interest to submit online applications much before the closing date and not to wait till the last date to avoid the possibility of disconnection/ inability or failure to login to the SSC website on account of heavy load on the website during the closing days. PROCEDURE FOR FILLING OUT ONLINE APPLICATION: The process of filling online application for the examination consists of two parts: I. One-Time Registration II.Filling of online-application for the Examination Part-I (One-Time Registration) : •• YOU ARE CAUTIONED THAT NAME, FATHER’S NAME, MOTHER’S NAME, DATE OF BIRTH, AND MATRICULATION EXAMINATION DETAILS SHOULD BE FILLED IN EXACTLY AS RECORDED IN MATRICULATION CERTIFICATE. YOUR CANDIDATURE MAY GET CANCELLED IN CASE OF INCORRECT/ WRONG INFORMATION. 0 Part-II (OnlineApplication Form): Procedure: Provisionally When the application is successfully submitted, it will be accepted ‘Provisionally’.Candidates should take a printout of the application form for their own records. Printout of the ‘Application Form’ is normally not required to be submitted to the Commission at any stage. However, you may be required to provide a printout of the online application form to address grievances related to the online application, if any. —– — —– —– —– —– — —————————————————– — For more details please go through the original notification Application link: https://ssc.nic.in..
RECRUITMENT To The Posts Of Lady Constables
RECRUITMENT To The Posts Of Lady Constables In West Bengal Police -2023 Application window (for submitting an application through online mode only): 23.04.2023 (from 00:01hrs.)to 22.05.2023 (till 23:59 hrs). EDITING WINDOW:- 26.05.2023 (from 00:01 hrs.) to 01.06.2023 (till 23:59 hrs). EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION: The applicant must have passed the Madhyamik Examination from the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education or its equivalent. AGE: As of 01/01/2023 18·30 Years (Relaxation for SC/ST – 5 Years and OBC – 3 Years) The upper age limit is also relaxable for NVF and Home Guards Personnel {serving in West Bengal Police only) as per existing Government Rules. However, Age relaxation is NOT available to Civic Volunteers. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………….. …………………………………. …………………………….. LANGUAGE : (i) The applicant must be able to speak, read and write the Bengali language. However, this provision will not be applicable to persons who are permanent residents of the hill sub-divisions of Darjeeling and Kalimpong Districts. {ii) For the applicant of hill sub-divisions of Darjeeling and Kalimpong Districts, the provisions laid down in the West Bengal Official Language Act, 1961 will be applicable. The applicants must possess the above-noted Qualifications on or before the date of publication of the advertisement. Tathya-Mitra-Kendras: All categories of candidates except Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe (of West Bengal only) shall pay Rs. 193/- only [Application Fees: Rs. 150/-; Processing Fees :Rs. 20/- plus Service Charge (including GST): Rs. 23/-] to the authorized staff of the SahajMitr Kendra. Candidates belonging to the Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe (of West Bengal only) shall pay Rs. 43/- only (Processing Fees: Rs. 20/- plus Service Charge (including GST): Rs. 23/-) to the authorized staff of the Sahaj Mitr Kendra.. METHOD OF RECRUITMENT : The posts of Lady Constable in the West Bengal Police shall be filled up on the basis of qualifying the Preliminary Written Test which will act as a screening examination followed by the Physical Measurement Test (PMT), Physical Efficiency Test (PET), Final Written Examination and Interview to be conducted by the West Bengal Police Recruitment Board. There will be NEGATIVE marking for each incorrect answer. %th of the allotted marks for a particular question will be deducted for each incorrect answer. PHYSICAL MEASUREMENT TEST (PMT):- The physical standards (height and weight) of the candidates as given above will be tested by using Electronic Machines of those who qualify in the Preliminary Written Test Full Marks – 85 (85 MCQs carrying equal marks each) Total Time:1hr.: All the candidates who qualify in the PMT & PET will be called to appear in the Final. The question paper will be set in Bengali & Nepali except for questions in the English language. Questions of the Final Written Examination shall be from the following subjects:- (A) General Awareness and General Knowledge – 25 Marks (B) English – 10 Marks (C) Elementary Mathematics (Madhyamik standard) – 25 Marks (D) Reasoning and Logical Analysis – 25 Marks There will be NEGATIVE marking for each incorrect answer. %th of the allotted marks for a particular question will be deducted for each incorrect answer. HOW TO APPLY: Applicants will be able to submit their application using the websites of the West Bengal Police Recruitment Board (https://prb.wb.gov.in) and West Bengal Police (wbpolice.gov.in). Photograph and Signature Scan & Upload Instructions PHOTOGRAPH: APPLICANTS ARE REQUIRED TO UPLOAD THEIR RECENT PASSPORT-SIZE PHOTOGRAPH (PREFERABLY COLOURED) AND A SCANNED COPY OF THEIR FULL SIGNATURE IN. JPG FORMAT COVERING THE ENTIRE SPACE PROVIDED FOR THE SAME. THE SIZE OF THE PHOTOGRAPH FILE MUST BE WITHIN 10 KB – 50 KB. PHOTOGRAPH OF THE CANDIDATE SHOULD SATISFY THE FOLLOWING PRIMARY REQUIREMENTS : e RECENT PHOTO (NOT MORE THAN 3 MONTHS OLD) FACING FORWARD AND LOOKING STRAIGHTINTOTHECAMERA. e MUST BEONWHITE BACKGROUND. e WITHOUT ANYTHING COVERING THE FACE. e INCLEAR CONTRASTTOTHEBACKGROUND. e WITHOUT A HEAD COVERING. e WITH EYES OPEN, VISIBLE, AND FREE FROM REFLECTION OR GLARE FROM GLASSES. e WITH YOUR EYES NOT COVERED BY SUNGLASSES, TINTED GLASSES, GLASS FRAMES, OR LOCK OF HAIR. e WITHOUT ANY ‘REDEYE’ AND WITHOUT ANY SHADOW IN THE PICTURE. e WITH A NORMAL EXPRESSION. THE SIGNATURE OF THE CANDIDATE MUST CONTAIN THE FULL NAME OF THE CANDIDATE AS ENTERED BY HER ON THE APPLICATION FORM AND THE SIGNATURE SHALL BE IN A LONG HAND. THE SIZEOFSIGNATURE FILEMUST BEWITHIN5 KB- 20 KB. THE IMAGE DIMENS ON FOR PHOTOGRAPH AND SIGNATURE SHOULD BE 177 PX H x 138 PX W (4l.5 CM HEIGHT x 3.5 CM WIDTH) AND 63 PX H x 350 PX W (1.7 CM HEIGHT x 9.2 CM WIDTH) RESPECTIVELY APPLICANTS ARE ADVISED NOT TO UPLOAD IMAGES OF OTHER OBJECTS IN PLACE OF PHOTOGRAPH AND SIGNATURE. PHOTOGRAPHS CROPPED FROM ‘GROUPIES’ OR ‘SELFIES’ SHALL ALSO BEDISALLOWEDDURINGTHESCRUTINY On successful submission of the application, the applicants will get an SMS to their registered mobile number. Each applicant is required to have an individual mobile number and e-mail Id. Sharing of a mobile number between applicants is not permitted. This number needs to remain valid till the entire process of recruitment. The Board does not owe any responsibility for failure in the delivery of SMS or e-mail due to a change in Mobile Number/e-mail Id. or other technical reasons. The applicants are advised to take a printout of their application form, preserve it safely, and mention the Application SI. No. for all future communications if required with the West Bengal Police Recruitment Board be it verbal or written form. * IMPORTANT POINTS: The Sports Quota will be horizontal in nature. In case of the non-availability of suitable candidates under those categories, the vacancies will be merged into the respective category. “The length of service for Home Guards/NVF personnel and Civic Volunteers serving in West Bengal Police only shall be calculated as of 01/01/2023. “The applicants claiming themselves as NVF/HG or Civic Volunteer in the application form must submit their NVF/HG or Civic Volunteer Enrollment Certificate prior to the Interview as per the prescribed format (Porforma-E) enclosed under Annexure-B if they are shortlisted for Interview. For more details please go through the original notification website:
RECRUITMENT TO THE POST of SOCIAL SECURITY ASSISTANT in Employees’Provident Fund Organization. DATES FOR SUBMISSION OF ONLINE APPLICATIONS & FEE PAYMENT (Online only): 27th March 2023 to 26th April 2023 Duration for correction in the particulars of an application form (Online only): 27th April 2023 to 28th April 2023 Essential Educational AND Other Qualifications : *AGE LIMIT : *APPLICATION FEE/ PROCEDURE FOR PAYMENT /SERVICE CHARGES OF BANKS : Fee Payable (through: Online Mode) Name of Post Social Security Assistant General/EWS/OBC Rs. 700/- SC/ST/* PwBD/Female Candidates/Ex-Servicemen NIL Note: (1) Fees shall be accepted through ONLINE mode ONLY. *MODE OF PAYMENT AND SERVICE CHARGES : S.No. Mode of Payment Canara Bank 1 Net Banking Canara Bank Nill Charges Other Bank 5.00+GST 2 Debit Cards Rupay Card of Canara Bank or Other Banks Nill Charges 3 Credit Cards Domestic 0.80%+GST International 2.35%+GST 4 Unified Payment Interface (UPI) Nill Charge 0 SCHEME OF EXAMINATION : The scheme of Examination for the post of Social Security Assistant is as under:- 0 Phase 1.. Examination: Sr. No. Name of the Test (Objective Tests) No. of Qs. Max. Marks Duration 1 General Aptitude 30 120 2 Hours and 30 Minutes (150 Minutes) 2 General Knowledge/ General Awareness 30 120 3 Quantitative Ability 30 120 4 General English with *Comprehension 50 200 5. Computer Literacy 10 40 Total 150 600 For more details please go through the original notification Application link: https://recruitment .nta.nic.in OR www.epfindia.gov.in
WEST BENGAL CIVIL SERVICE (EXE.) etc.Exam·2023 by Public Service Commission, West Bengal The Preliminary Examination will be held tentatively in the month of June 2023 or thereabout. GROUPING OF SERVICES: The services and posts to which recruitment is made on the results of the W.B.C.S. (Exe.) etc. Examinations are divided into groups: A, B, C, and D with a graduated syllabus. A candidate may compete for one or more groups but is required to submit one application only indicating the choice of group(s). CHOICE OF GROUPS OF SERVICES AND ALLOTMENT : i) As already stated, a candidate may apply for one or more of the four groups of services, viz., A, B, C, and D. The candidate is required to state clearly in the appropriate column of the application the particular Group or Groups for which he/she intends to compete. No further application for a change of group (s) will be entertained. ii) A number of candidates selected in order of merit on the results of the Main Examination for all the services and posts included in Groups A, B, C, and D will have to appear at a Personality Test. No separate Personality Test will be held for different groups viz. Group-‘A’, Group-‘B’, Group-‘C’and Group-‘D’ in respect of a candidate. (iii} Candidates called to Personality Tests on the results of their Main Examination will be required to specify the order of their preference for the posts or services included in the Group or Groups for which they have applied. Choice of preference thus exercised will be deemed to be final and no alteration thereafter will be allowed. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: FOR:- EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION(Ason 21.03.2023): AGE(Asono1.01.2023): FEES: Rs.210/- (Rupees two hundred ten only) + Service Charge 1% of Examination Fee subject to a minimum of Rs.5/ (Rupees five only) for online payment through debit/credit card plus service charge /GST as applicable as Govt. Duty or Service Charge of Rs.5/- (Rupees five only) for Net Banking or Service Charge of Rs.20/- (Rupees twenty only) for payment through Bank Counter (off-line payment). SC/ST candidates of West Bengal and Persons with Disabilities (PWD) having physical disability of 40% and above are not required to pay any fee. OBC candidates of West Bengal are, however, required to pay the usual fee as aforesaid. NO EXEMPTION OF FEE IS AVAILABLE TO SC/ST/BC CANDIDATES OF OTHER STATES. No claims for refund of the fee will be entertained nor will it be held in reserve for any other examination. SCHEME OF THE EXAMINATION : (i} English Composition 25 Marks (ii) General Science 25 Marks (iii) Current events of National & International Importance 25 Marks (iv) History of India 25 Marks (v) Geography of India with special reference to West Bengal 25 Marks (vi) Indian Polity and Economy 25 Marks (vii) Indian National Movement 25 Marks (viii) General Mental Ability 25 Marks The standard of the paper will be the level of knowledge as expected of a graduate of any faculty of a recognized University. Main Examination:- The Main Examination shall consist of 6 (six) Compulsory papers and one optional subject consisting of two papers (Only for candidates applying for group and/or B to be chosen by the candidates from the list of optional subjects given below. There will be two papers on the optional subject for 200 marks each. Each paper, Compulsory or Optional, will carry 200 marks and will be of 3 hours duration. Out of six compulsory papers four papers i.e. (i) General Studies- 1,(ii) General Studies- II, (iiijThe Constitution of India and Indian Economy including role and functions of Reserve Bank of India,(iv) Arithmetic and Test of Reasoning will be of MCQ Type to be answered in OMR answer sheets (negative marking for each wrong answer to MCQ type) and remaining two compulsory papers i.e. Paper- I and Paper – II will be of conventional type written examination. Ill)PersonalltvTest:- For Group ‘A & ‘B’-200 Marks, Group ‘C’-150 Marks, Group ‘D’-100 Marks o Abstract Table of Papers I Subjects and Marks MainExamination and Personality Test : APPLICATION PROCEDURE : Applications can be submitted online only through https://wbpsc.gov.in/ SUBMISSION OF MORE THAN ONE APPLICATION BY THE SAME CANDIDATE IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN AND SUCH APPLICANT IS NOT LIABLE TO CANCELLATION. 0N.B.: (i) A candidate claiming to be S.C., S.T., B.C. (Non-Creamy Layer) or Persons with Disabilities (40% and above) must have a certificate in support of his/ her claim from a competent authority of West Bengal issued on or before the closing date of submission of application i.e. 24th March 2022.
Indian Air force Career Opportunities

Indian Air force Career Opportunities One of the Top Competitive Institute in West Bengal, MIES Institute, puts an informative article An article on “Indian Air force Career Opportunities” has been written by Mr. Sanjay Nath, Executive officer (Admin) of MIES R M Law College, an excellent law college in Bengal. under MIES Institute, Top most Coaching Centre for different Govt. Job exam preparation will enhance and aware more to mankind. MIES Institute is one of the Best Institute for WBCS and Banking service exam in West Bengal, and also the Institute in School Service exam, Head Office at Sonarpur, Main City Centre – Sealdah. Branches – Barasat, Behala Chowrasta, Howrah Maidan, Konnagar, Chinsurah, and Buniadpur. The Indian Air Force ( IAF) is a branch or part of the Indian Defence Force & its prime responsibility is for aerial warfare and surveillance. The IAF personnel are specially designed as warriors, who work for peace, security, and honor of the country. Moreover, by joining this defense stream, you will get the chance to serve the nation. Knowing more about this profession and its selection processes can help you make an informed decision. In this article, we will try to explain & elaborate on the profession & selection process to get a job in the Air Force and your career path. 1. Indian Air force Career Opportunities: To join the IAF you have to appear and pass the National Defence Academy (NDA) Examination or Combined Defence Services Examination (CDSE) or Air Force Common Admission Test (AFCAT). UPSC conducts the NDA and CDSE exams. UPSC publishes its NDA & CDSE job advertisements in June and December. The Indian Air Force conducts the AFCAT exam in February and August twice a year. 2. AFSB tests: After successful completion of the first step, the selection committee sends you a call letter to report to one of the Air Force Selection Boards (AFSB) and for two-stage AFSB tests. Those who clear Stage I are eligible to appear for the Stage II test. The Stage II exam includes psychological tests, group tests, interviews, and a computerized pilot selection system (CPSS) test. The CPSS test is for those who want to join the flying branch of the IAF. 3. Undergo medical tests: After clearing the AFSB tests, the candidates have to undergo medical tests either at the Air Force Central Medical Establishment (AFCME) in New Delhi or the Institute of Aviation Medicine in Bengaluru. The final merit list is prepared after the medical examination. 4. Check the final merit list and join the air force: After completing the medical test, the selection board prepares a merit list based on candidates’ performance in written tests and AFSB interviews and medical fitness & depending on the vacancies available in different places, candidates receive the joining letter but before that, they have to complete the training. Based on academic qualifications, you can join different branches of the Indian Air Force, which include three main & several sub-branches. The three branches of the IAF are the flying branch, the technical branch, and the ground duty (non-technical) branch. 5. Join IAF after 10+2: You can apply for the NDA after completing your 10+2. The UPSC organizes the NDA exam twice a year. After passing this exam, selected candidates undergo a three-year training program at the National Defence Academy in Khadakwasla. Afterward, candidates are sent for specialized training at one of the training establishments. Upon completion of the training, the cadets become permanent commissioned officers and are posted to any of the air force stations. Entry through the NDA is open for all branches. Only Indian men between 161/2 and 191/2 years of age are eligible to apply through the NDA. The academic requirement is 10+2 with physics and mathematics as the main subjects. 6. Indian Air force Career Opportunities after graduation: You can join the different branches of the IAF after graduation. Here are the career opportunities for graduates: 7. Careers in the flying branch: Being a bachelor’s degree holder, you can join the IAF through the CDSE (combined defense services examination), SSC (short service commission) exam, or NCC (National Cadet Corps) special entry. Find below more details on each career path: A. CDSE entry: As an Indian national bachelor’s degree holder in any discipline but Physics & Mathematics, mandatory at 10+2 level, in the age group of 20 to 24 years, and unmarried can appear in the selection process. You can also apply if you have a BE or BTech degree. B. SSC entry: Aspirants can apply through the AFCAT. It is a 14-year service without further extension. The age range is 20 to 24 years. The upper age limit relaxation for applicants is applicable to those who are holding a valid and current commercial pilot license from the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA). Both unmarried men and women are eligible to apply for an SSC post. Candidates need to score at least 50% marks in maths and physics at 10+2 level and at least 60% marks in BE, BTech, or graduate from a recognized institution. C. NCC special entry: Men and women are both eligible to apply through this mode. Men can get a permanent commission, while both men and women can get a short service commission. The age requirement is 20 to 24 years. Upper age limit relaxation is available for applicants carrying a valid and current commercial pilot license issued by the DGCA. Only unmarried Indian nationals can apply. Moreover, the educational qualifications required are the same as the SSC entry academic requirements. Along with an NCC Air Wing Senior Division ‘C’ certificate. 8. Indian Air force Career Opportunities in the technical branch: Indian unmarried men and women are eligible to apply for ground duty (technical) branches that are in the age group of 20 to 26 years. Moreover, Applicants can enter Ground Duty after clearing the AFCAT based on their engineering stream and subjects. 9. Careers in the ground duty (non-technical) branch: There are five sub-branches of
West Bengal Civil Service Examination

West Bengal Civil Service Examination. A privilege to introduce a write-up from one of the Top Institute for Govt. Job exam, MIES Institute is a modern equipped Competitive Institute in West Bengal. An informative article on West Bengal Civil Service examination from Topmost Institute for WBCS exam preparation in West Bengal, MIES Institute is one of the Best Institute for PSC, SSC, RAIL, BANK exams preparation in Kolkata of West Bengal, situated at Sonarpur (HO), Sealdah (Main City Centre), Branches at Barasat, Behala Chowrasta, Howrah Maidan, konnagar, and Chinsurah, moreover, this Institute is one of the best coachings for Govt. Job exams preparation in West Bengal. The write-up follows below. West Bengal Civil Service (Executive), popularly known as W.B.C.S.(Exe), is the civil service of the Indian state of West Bengal. For the WBCS (Exe) and other comparative posts, the Public Service Commission of West Bengal arranges competitive examinations every year in three phases every year. These phases are Preliminary, Mains, and Personality Test. West Bengal Civil Service Examination Details FEES: INR 60,000/- At a time INR 66,000/- (18000 + 12000×4) Preliminary Exam:- 1 paper (qualifying) 2½ hrs. General Studies (8 topics including Reasoning, English language, History, Geography, Current Affairs, General Knowledge, General Science and Indian Polity and Economy MCQ 200 Main Exam:- Paper I 3 hrs. Bengali / Hindi / Urdu / Nepali/Santali Descriptive 200 Paper II English 200 Paper III General Studies-I : History & Geography MCQ 200 Paper IV General Studies-II : Science & Technology, Environment, G.K and Current Affairs 200 Paper V The Constitution of India & Indian Economy 200 Paper VI Arithmetic and Test of Reasoning 200 Paper VII Optional Subject Paper I[1] Descriptive 200 Paper VIII Optional Subject Paper II 200 Total Marks 1600[ Only one optional subject is to be taken from the prescribed list. Optional paper is only for those candidates who opted for Group A & B 2 Total marks are 1200 in case of Group C and D candidates Personality Test:- Personality Tests Group A Group B Group C Group D 200 Marks 150 Marks 100 Marks Eligibility:- Educational Qualification: A degree from a recognized university and ability to read and write Bengali but it is not required for the candidates having Nepali as a mother tongue. Age Limit:- WBCS age limit is defined separately for all the groups of services. The age of the candidates is counted from January 1 of the year of examination. It means that the age of the candidates will be counted from January 1, 2021 for the WBCS 2021 exam. The Group-wise WBCS age criteria are as follows : WBCS Age Limit for Group ‘A’ & ‘C’ Services The WBCS notification defines the age criteria Lower Age Limit-21 years Upper Age limit-36 years WBCS Age Limit for Group-B Services The WBCS group B service only includes the West Bengal Police Services (WBPS). The age criterion for WBCS Gr. B is as follows: Lower Age Limit-20 years Upper Age limit-36 years The candidates whose age is not below 20 years and above 36 years can apply for the WBCS Gr. B Services i.e for the WBPS. WBCS Age Limit for the Group-D Services The WBCS D Group services are the clerical positions in the state administrative machinery. The WBCS age criteria for Gr. D services are: Lower Age Limit -21 years Upper Age limit- 39 years WBCS Age limit relaxation The WBPSC also provides the age relaxation to the candidates belonging to certain reserved categories. 5 years age relaxation for SC/ST & 3 years age relaxation for OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) In the case of Persons with Disabilities (PWD), the upper age limit is relaxable up to 45 years. S.C./S.T./B.C. candidates of other States shall be treated as General category candidates. Besides the educational and age limit criteria, there are certain physical requirements which are required for certain positions Physical Slandered:- For West Bengal Police Service (Group ‘B’ Service) -The minimum height requirement is 1.65 metres for male candidates and 1.50 metres for female candidates subject to relaxation in the case of candidates belonging to races such as Gorkhas, Garwalis, Assamese Tribals etc. Candidates intending to be considered for this group must indicate their height in the appropriate column of the application form. Application Form Fill Up: – Usually, online form fill up begins for WBCS in the month of November. Preliminary Exam is held in the Last week of January or first week of February at different cities of West Bengal. Post the publications of Preliminary results, Mains Exams are held in June–July in some selected institutions of Kolkata city and at the office of WBPSC. The candidates who passed in Mains are called for Personality test. At last, a selection list is issued by PSC consisting the name of qualified candidates of Mains Exams and Personality test. All these processes take up to one and a half year. Recruitment:- There are different groups in the recruitment of such examination based on choice and merit of scored number. These are A Group, B Group (only for West Bengal Police Service ), Gr C[4], and Gr D. The WBCS (Exe) officers belong to Group-A. In general, As per the record of the WBPSC, the candidates with higher scores opt for WBCS (Exe), WBPS, and some allied services like erstwhile WBCTS, etc as their first choice. Since 1988 some of the top-ranked candidates have opted for an allied service called WB commercial Tax Service (WBCTS) as their first choice due to the less strenuous nature of the service and the lure of metro posting. Only WBCS (Exe) & WBCTS cadres are considered to be the State Civil Service by UPSC for direct promotion to IAS and WBPS officers are promoted to IPS after 7 to 9 years of service in state police service.[5] Functions: – The WBCS (Exe) officers are usually appointed as deputy magistrates or deputy collectors on probation and after completion of two years of mandatory administrative training under the tutelage of Administrative Training Institute, start their career as Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector and Block Development (B.D.O.) Officers. They also pass order in Executive Magistrate Court and execute some sections of Criminal Procedure Code. The officers of the cadre perform the key administrative functions at
West Bengal Public Service Commission ( MISC, Clerk & Others)
The Public Service Commission, West Bengal or PSCWB (Bengali: পশ্চিমবঙ্গ লোকসেবা আয়োগ) is the state agency authorized to conduct the Civil Services Examination for entry-level appointments to the various Civil Services of state of West Bengal in India. Articles 315 to 323 of Part XIV of the constitution, titled as Services Under the Union and the States, provide for a Public Service Commission for the Union and for each state. Appointment Further information: Forty-first Amendment of the Constitution of India As per Article 316 of the Constitution of India provides that the Chairman and other members of the commission shall be appointed by the Governor of West Bengal. As per Article 319, a person who holds office as Chairman shall, on the expiration of his term of office, be ineligible for re-appointment to that office. But, a member other than the Chairman shall be eligible for appointment as the Chairman of the Commission. Removal and suspension As per Article 317, the Chairman or any other member of a Public Service Commission shall only be removed from their office by order of the President on the ground of “misbehavior” after the Supreme Court, on a reference being made to it by the President, has, on inquiry reported that the Chairman or such other member ought to be removed. The President may suspend the Chairman or other members of the Commission until the report of the Supreme Court is received. The President may also remove the Chairman or any other member of the commission if they: is adjudged an insolvent; or engages during their term of office in any paid employment outside the duties of their office; or is, in the opinion of the President, unfit to continue in office by reason of infirmity of mind or body. The Chairman or any other member cannot hold an office of profit or otherwise they shall be deemed to be guilty of misbehaviour. Functions As per Article 320, it shall be the duty of the State Public Service Commissions to conduct examinations for appointments to the services of the respective states. It shall also assist two or more States, if requested so, in framing and operating schemes of joint recruitment for any services.[5] The State Public Service Commission shall be consulted: on all matters relating to methods of recruitment to civil services and for civil posts making appointments to civil services and posts making promotions and transfers from one service to another the suitability of candidates for such appointments, promotions or transfers
Common Eligibility Test (CET)
Common Eligibility Test (CET)
West Bengal Civil Service Exam (WBCS)

West Bengal Civil Service West Bengal Civil Service (Executive), popularly known as W.B.C.S.(Exe). The civil service of the Indian state of West Bengal. For the WBCS (Exe) and other comparative posts, the Public Service Commission of West Bengal arranges competitive examinations in three phases every year. These phases are Preliminary, Mains, and Personality Test. This exam is organized by the Public Service Commission of West Bengal every year between the month of February and March. The WBCS (Exe) The WBCS (Exe) officers are usually appointed as deputy magistrates or deputy collectors on probation. And moreover, after completion of two years of mandatory administrative training under the tutelage of the Administrative Training Institute. Start their career as Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector and Block Development (B.D.O.) Officers. They also pass an order in the Executive Magistrate Court and execute some sections of the Criminal Procedure Code. The officers of the cadre perform the key administrative functions at different levels of various departments of the state. Moreover, the highest position WBCS (Exe) officers can attain is that of a Departmental secretary. Public Service Commission Three posts of district magistrate in the State of West Bengal is reserved for these officers. WBCS (Exe) officers may also be nominated at a later stage of their career to become Indian Administrative Services (IAS) officers. The public Service Commission conducts different types of popular competitive exams. Such as PSC Clerkship, PSC Miscellaneous, PSC SI of Kolkata Police and West Bengal Police, etc. A huge number of success in this exam from MIES