MIES Group



AN INTELLIGIBLE FOCUS ON THE SERIOUS ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES           An article on” An Intelligible focus on the serious environmental issues including public health risks on this planet” has been written by Subho Ghosh, faculty cum note developer of MIES Group, and edited by Mr. Tapan Kumar Das, who is associated with MIES Institute for last 5 years as a Skill Development Officer. He has extensive experience in teaching WBCS, SSC, PSC, RAIL, Bank, School Service, Primary TET, Upper Primary TET, etc exams. Mr. S Ghosh and Mr. T K Das both are very grateful to MIES Management for giving them a chance as faculty cum note developers and also additional job responsibility to Mr. Tapan Kr Das as a Skill Development Officer at MIES Institute which is one of the best competitive coaching centers in West Bengal. In His opinion, MIES Institute is one of the top competitive exam institutes in West Bengal. AN INTELLIGIBLE FOCUS ON SERIOUS ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES INCLUDING PUBLIC HEALTH RISKS ON THIS PLANET.                MIES is a renowned coaching center for Govt. Job exams in West Bengal. Thousands of students appeared in Govt. service exam from MIES every year and got Government service maximum of them. MIES is the most popular institute among Government Job aspirants because of its specialty in School Service, WBCS, PSC, SSC, BANK, RAIL, Primary, and Upper Primary TET, etc exams. Students are given a huge number of Class Tests, Model Tests, and Mock Tests and also Practice a huge number of Online Tests through MIES APP in their course curriculum.  MIES is a pioneer institute of West Bengal Civil Service coaching in West Bengal. As per the student’s version, MIES is the Best Training Academy for Govt. Job exam in West Bengal. Environmental problems or issues are the set of challenges and problems that are seriously affecting the living environment and public health all over the world. Climate change and pollution to overpopulation and energy consumption are the main issues that have turned out to be very complex being interconnected. The main serious environmental issues consist of the following: (1) Air pollution (2) Water Pollution (3) Solid waste (4) Radioactive waste (5) Greenhouse effect & global warming (6) Ozone Depletion in the Stratosphere (7) Deforestation Now let these be discussed methodically which are the most serious environmental issues & concerns to the existence of the entire living world. 1.    AIR POLLUTION: Air Pollution is contamination of the indoor or outdoor environment by any chemical, physical, or biological agent that modifies the natural characteristics of the atmosphere. Moreover, Household combustion devices, motor vehicles, industrial facilities & forest fires are common sources of air pollution. Simply speaking, it is the contamination of air by harmful gases, dust & smoke which affects plants, animals & humans drastically. Nevertheless, there is a certain percentage of gases present in the atmosphere, and an increase or decrease in the composition of these gases is harmful to survival. Causes of air pollution: Air pollution is caused by solid and liquid particles and certain gases are suspended in the air. The particles & gases can come from cars, trucks, exhaust, factories, dust, pollen, mold spores, volcanoes, and wildfires. NASA explains that air pollution is caused by vehicle emissions, fuel oils & natural gas to heat homes, by-products of manufacturing and power generation, particularly coal-fueled power plants, and fumes from chemical production which are called primary sources of human-made air pollution. The main sources of pollutants to air pollution are : Smoke stacks – from Thermal power plant Particulate matter from plant Carbon Monoxide, Lead (Pb) & Nitric Oxide (No) from Automobiles (like Car) Authorities/Agencies engaged to limit Air Pollution in India: At present, the active participate – authorities/agencies that are vigilant in limiting the emission of air pollutants in India. (a) The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) (b) Convention on Environment on a Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) (c) National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) WHO’s Report on Environmental Pollution in India : According to WHO’s report on Air Pollution in India estimated that about 1.2 million people die each year. The number is further staggering when monetized is that the economic loss to India as regards prevention & control of environmental pollution is estimated at 150 million dollars per year. Who also report that Asthma and lung cancer from Environmental Pollution say Air Pollution even affects children before they are born. The five top most and tough affected countries or the most polluted countries in the world are Nepal, Bangladesh, Bahrain, Pakistan & India due to Air Pollution & other pollution as per the Air Pollution Index 2020. 2.    WATER POLLUTION: How water Pollution impacts environmental pollution: Environmental Pollution As regards Water Pollution, it stands out that water pollution is caused majorly by Domestic Sewage, Industrial Effluents, pollutants like pesticides, nitrates, petroleum products, etc. BOD’s (Biological Oxygen Demand) measurement: BOD’s measurement focuses on water pollution is also seriously impacting & helping increase the environmental pollution level in developing countries or many countries of the world. BOD level means Oxygen consumption by micro-organisms when they decompose organic matter in craters. BOD can kill aquatic life: It is the key indicator of water quality and the degree of organic pollution level can lead to rapid depletion of Oxygen in water, which can kill multifarious aquatic lives like fishes & other related lives of this sort. Algal Bloom/Algae Bloom: This is another type of pollutant or nutrient whose presence in water causes the growth of planktonic which deteriorates water quality & helps increase fish mortality rate. Water toxicant: This means an increase of toxicity in water which accumulates and concentrates toxic substances in the water causing water pollution which is called Bio-magnification. The accumulated and toxic substances or toxic organisms cannot be metabolized or exerted & thus passed on to the next higher tropic level. This phenomenon is well-known for mercury & DDT. Another agent/element/cause like Eutrophication which is technically the process of too many plants growing on the


DEMOCRATIC EDUCATION IS AN INSTRUMENT Mr. Tapan Kumar Das has been associated with MIES Institute for the last 5 years as a Skill Development Officer who conceived this awesome write-up DEMOCRATIC EDUCATION IS AN INSTRUMENT. He has extensive experience in teaching WBCS, SSC, PSC, RAIL, Bank, School Service, Primary TET, Upper Primary TET, etc exams. He is very grateful to MIES Management for giving him a chance as a Skill Development Officer at MIES Institute which is one of the best competitive coaching centres in West Bengal. In His opinion, MIES Institute is one of the top competitive exam institutes in West Bengal.                MIES is a renowned coaching center for Govt. Job exams in West Bengal. Thousands of students appeared in Govt. service exam from MIES every year and got Government service maximum of them. MIES is the most popular institute among Government Job aspirants because of its specialty in School Service, WBCS, PSC, SSC, BANK, RAIL, Primary, and Upper Primary TET, etc exams. Students are given a huge number of Class Tests, Model Tests, and Mock Tests and also Practice a huge number of Online Tests through MIES APP in their course curriculum.  MIES is a pioneer institute of West Bengal Civil Service coaching in West Bengal. As per the students’ version, MIES is the Best Training Academy for Govt. Job exam in West Bengal. DEMOCRATIC EDUCATION IS INSTRUMENTAL FOR PROGRESSION OF THE SOCIETY AND THE NATION. Men can become men only by true education idealists emphasize the total development of a man’s personality in and Through a specially selected social environment which would impel him to draw out the best powers and to nurture them for the realization of his intellectual, social, moral and spiritual self. Mahatma Gandhi rightly defined education as “the all-round drawing out of the best in child and man-body, mind and spirit.” A modern man needs faith in the power of man held by the early Greeks. Sophocles expressed this faith in the heroic race through the Theban Elders in Antigone. “Of all the wonders beneath the Sun The most wonderful is man He weareth Earth unweariedly He hath taught himself speech And wind-swift Thought. Of the ages in history, man felt that he was “a little lower than the angels.” This faith in one’s power and respect for other’s power gives birth to the concept of Democracy which has earned such popularity as an ideology and also as an implementation that modern thinkers cannot but reflect on any aspect of human life as the principle of democracy. Literal Meaning of Democracy Uses of Democracy in different contexts – DEMOCRATIC EDUCATION IS AN INSTRUMENT Modern man, philosophers, and politicians have taken Democracy as the very way of living, under the purview of which comes the social, political, religious, moral, and economic aspects of life. In this type of social environment, everyone is to develop himself fully obviously without interfering in the development of others. The individual and society thus come closer to each other and stand in perfect harmony, keeping in view the interests of both –the individual and the group. John Dearey has defined democracy as more than a form of government. It is primarily a mode of essential living conjoint communicated experience. The most salient feature of Democracy is the equal rights of everyone in thought and action and sharing experiences. The utterance of equality, fraternity, and liberty, which pierced the air during the French Revolution constitutes the lifeblood of Democracy. The Preamble of the Indian Constitution – DEMOCRATIC EDUCATION IS AN INSTRUMENT The Preamble to the constitution of India propagates the same message and deals with true democracy such as “WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens: JUSTICE, social, economic and political; LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship; EQUALITY of status and of opportunity; FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation;” This deal facilitates the progress of both the individual and the society. This deal facilitates the progress of both the individual and the society. DEMOCRATISING THE INDIAN SOCIETY We are here concerned with the discussion of Education for Democracy. We should make one thing clear to make education an instrument for democratizing society, education itself must have the principles of democracy. The whole education program should breathe a spirit of democracy. So we should now consider a few basic principles of democracy in the texture of education. BRIEFLY FOCUSING THE PRINCIPLES OF DEMOCRACY. Spirit of Democratic education ensures freedom for every individual. Freedom is the basic need of the human soul. Nothing good enters into the human world except in and through the free activities of individual men & women. So education must be tinged with the spirit of freedom such as freedom in thought, action and movement which means not the freedom, whatever one wishes to do with his emotion & sentiment of whimsical impulse, but whatever one does, must be a ___________ action not affecting any pain or loss to another person\s. Tolerance: The democratic ideal is harbored best in an atmosphere of tolerance. Everyone is from his sphere but Everyone must have a feeling of tolerance for other’s views, thoughts & actions. The present state of restlessness all over the world is the outcome of a lack of such tolerance. So democratic education system shapes individual students’ quality of tolerance. Co-operation: Democracy or democratic education teaches cooperation between man & man, Man & Woman, and woman & woman which means all individuals of a society or a nation must have the spirit of cooperation with each other in doing deeds and duties, become prosperity and progress in human socially rest on cooperation. Democracy and educational aim The educational process and its aim should be directed to democracy. All should keep in mind that democracy is not an extreme force; this is a way of life. So Education



LAND REFORMS AND LAND OWNERSHIP One of the Top Competitive institutes in West Bengal, MIES Institute, puts an informative article on “ Land Reforms and Land Ownership”. Written by the top faculty Mr. Samrat Bhattacharyya of MIES R. M. Law College under MIES Institute. This is the top Coaching Centre for different government job exam preparation, which will enhance and aware more to peoples. Moreover, the MIES Institute is one of the Best institutes for School Service, WBCS, SSC, PSC, Bank, Rail, etc exams in West Bengal. The Head Office is at Sonarpur, Main City Centre – Sealdah. Branches – Barasat, Behala Chowrasta. This article is most effective for the West Bengal Civil Service Exam and other Govt. Service Examinations. Land reforms and land ownership is a very vital matters all over the world “The life of the law has not been logic, It has been experienced”[1]. Is nowhere more clearly illustrated than in the history of the constitutional provisions relating to land reforms in India. There is a wide range of social, political, and economic implications of land reforms in India. Land reforms and land ownership is a very vital matters all over the world. Different political systems prescribed different methods for land ownership and utilization. Land reforms refer to reforming the ownership and regulation of land or redistribution of land from the erstwhile feudal owners or zamindars to the landless people who are suppressed and exploited for a long time for some special purposes like agriculture or economic development of the state. Moreover, Land was concentrated in the hands of a few and there was a proliferation of intermediaries who had no vested interest in self-cultivation. Therefore, Land records were in extremely bad shape and one problem of agriculture was that the land was fragmented into very small parts. Different categories of reform There are different categories of reform abolition of intermediaries, like rent collectors, regulation of tenancy by regulating rent and providing security of tenure, ceiling on land holdings by redistribution of surplus land, consolidation of land, encouraging peasants to form co-operative farming societies so that organized farming can enhance the productivity of the land which can ultimately boost the economy. The consolidation of land started with the Zamindari Abolition Act and Estate Acquisition Act and in West Bengal, the process of land reforms started with Operation Barga which asked for equal distribution of land among the landless farmers. The aim is to equitable redistribution of land to increase productivity and decrease poverty and this can also help to stop intra-country migration of those people who migrate to other states in search of work. Transfer of Property Act As per the Transfer of Property Act, a person cannot transfer a property if he doesn’t have a good title over it. As no one can transfer a better title than he possesses.  Earlier ostensible owner of an immovable property who is not the actual owner of that property but rather holds the property in the absence of the real owner with implied or express consent of the actual owner. However after the enactment of Benami Transactions (Prohibition Act) 1988, a transfer by an ostensible owner becomes illegal. Transfer of land or other immovable property can be effected only by a deed of conveyance which has to be duly stamped and registered as required by law. It has become a practice to effect the transfer of immovable property either through a general power of Attorney sales or sale agreement, this sale generally evades payment of duty, taxes, and other fees payable on transfer and registration, so it is an illegal practice and cannot be recognized as valid under law. The persons who resort to such practices include vendors with imperfect titles purchasers who purposefully do not wish to disclose such transfers in the public domain, purchasers who avoid the payment of stamp duty that results eventually in loss of revenue to the government and the circulation of the black money in the market. Sale deed for LAND REFORMS AND LAND OWNERSHIP Buyer must always ensure that the title of the seller is clear before the execution of the sale deed. A Good Title consists of the right of possession and property. Moreover, the transferee of land must ensure that there is no charge encumbrance or any other legal hindrance on the property. The purchasers must verify the encumbrance status from the register’s office. The owner of the land must have an absolute interest in the plot of land as against the lessee, mortgagee, baradari, and patta holder who have a limited interest in the plot of land. The record of rights must contain all aspects of good title, the total area of the plot of land, khatiyan number which is the registration information of the complete records of the land or property. The certified copies of all entered documents in the official domain are issued by the revenue department of the state government. Moreover, these copies are proof of ownership, location, usage, and other information about the land property, and share of raiyat in the plot. Nevertheless, accounts of existing encumbrances like mortgage, adverse possession, or bargain the plot. Without a good title, the transfer is not possible The transferor who wishes to transfer the plot of land must clear the revenue payable to the state government. And any existing encumbrance like mortgaging the land to any land mortgage bank or any other financial institution or any co-operative society must be timely intimated to the revenue officer having jurisdiction so that the encumbrance can reflect in the record of rights. No transferor can legally transfer his land without having a good title. The buyer or transferee has to make himself satisfied that the seller has a good title over such immovable property given in the transfer if he does not want to face any legal consequence of purchasing such disputed property. MIES is a renowned coaching center for Govt. Job exams MIES is a renowned coaching center for



A privilege to introduce a write-up from one of the Top Institute for Govt. Job exam, MIES Institute is a modern equipped Competitive Institute in West Bengal. An informative article on the Student Credit Card scheme of Govt. of West Bengal from this Topmost Institute for WBCS exam preparation in West Bengal. Moreover, MIES Institute is one of the Best Institute for PSC, SSC, RAIL, BANK exams preparation in Kolkata of West Bengal, situated at Sonarpur (HO), Sealdah (Main City Centre). Nevertheless, we have other branches too, like Branches at Barasat, Behala Chowrasta, Howrah Maidan, konnagar, and Chinsurah, moreover, this Institute is one of the best coachings for Govt. Job exams preparation in West Bengal. The write-up follows below.  Introduction of  STUDENT CREDIT CARD                                   Under the visionary leadership of Mamata Banerjee, Hon’ble Chief Minister, West Bengal, The Higher Education Department, Government of West Bengal has introduced the Student Credit Card Scheme for the students of West Bengal to enable them to pursue education without having any financial constraints. This scheme is designed to support the students to pursue secondary, higher secondary, madrasah, undergraduate, and post-graduate studies including professional degree and other equivalent courses in any School, Madrasah, College, University and other affiliated institutes within and outside India. Students studying in various coaching institutions for appearing in different competitive examinations like Engineering, Medical, Law, IAS, IPS, WBCS, etc, can also avail of the loan under this scheme. A student from West Bengal can obtain a maximum loan of Rs. 10 lakhs @ 4% per annum simple interest from the State Cooperative Bank and its affiliated Central Cooperative Banks and District Central Cooperative Banks and Public/ Private Sector Banks. 1% interest concession will be provided to a borrower if the interest is fully serviced during the study period. The upper age limit for the interested students has been kept as 40(forty) years at the time of applying for the loan. The repayment period shall be fifteen (15) years for any loan availed under this Credit Card including the Moratorium/ repayment holiday. A few clarifications before proceeding with registration for Student Credit Card Student Credit Card / loan cannot be applied for future courses. Admission receipt is to be uploaded while applying. For example, if a student is presently studying in Class XII and he proposes to study management in future, he cannot apply for loan considering /clubbing course fee of management courses. At present he has to apply for loan considering his course fee of Class XII only. For future courses, he has to apply for a fresh credit card after admission to that particular course. The students cannot apply for credit card loan considering their course fee of the regular institute as well as coaching institute fee clubbed. Loan cannot be applied for the course fees or admission fees etc which have already been paid to the institution. Fees to be paid in future for the running course only, is to be mentioned. There is no re-imbursement system in this scheme. See the Table Program Type Program Name PG (Post Graduate) MA, MSc, MCom, MD, MS, MBA, LLM, M Mus, etc. Subject wise courses like MSc Physics etc. are not required to be selected UG (Under Graduate) BA, BSc, BCom, MBBS, BBA, LLB, etc. Subject wise courses like BSc Physics etc. are not required to be selected Diploma ANM, GNM, PGDBA, PGDM, PG Diploma, all Diploma in Polytechniques, Para medicals, etc. Certificate ITI School Class 10, Class 11, Class 12 Vocational (10+2) Class 11, Class 12  Online Registration:- Visit www.wb.gov.in or https://banglaruchchashiksha.wb.gov.in. And click the STUDENT CREDIT CARD tab or Log in to https://wbscc.wb.gov.in Click on the REGISTRATION OF STUDENT form option. Fill up the Registration of Student form and then Click on the Register button to generate user id and password. Documents required:- The following documents are to be uploaded at the time of filling up of online form Coloured photograph of the applicant (should be in .jpeg / .jpg and 50 kb at maximum and 20 kb at minimum). Coloured photograph of the co-applicant / co-borrower (should be in .jpeg / .jpg and 50 kb at maximum and 20 kb at minimum). Signature of the student (should be in .jpeg / .jpg and 50 kb at maximum and 10 kb at minimum).  Co-borrower / Guardian’s signature (should be in .jpeg / .jpg and 50 kb at maximum and 10 kb at minimum). Student’s AADHAR Card (should be in .pdf and 400 KB at maximum and 100 KB at minimum); 6. Student’s Class 10Board registration certificate (if no AADHAR card) (should be in .pdf and 400 KB at maximum and 100 KB at minimum). Guardian’s Address Proof [preferably AADHAR Card] (should be in .pdf and 400 KB at maximum and 100 KB at minimum). Relevant page of the School/Institution brochure/document detailing the course fee/tuition fee (should be in .pdf and 400 KB at maximum and 100 KB at minimum). Admission Receipt (should be in .pdf and 400 KB at maximum and 100 KB at minimum). Student’s PAN Card or undertaking in the prescribed format (available in the portal), if no PAN. The uploaded document should be in .pdf format and of 400 KB size at maximum and 100 KB at minimum). Guardian’s PAN Card or undertaking in the prescribed format (available in the portal), if no PAN (should be in .pdf and 400 KB at maximum and 100 KB at minimum). Some important information:- There is no need to furnish the copy of domicile certificate and Caste certificate. If the student or his family is residing in the State of West Bengal at least for a period of 10 (Ten) years preceding the date of application, she/he shall be considered as a resident of the State under this scheme. Self-declaration by the student as per approved format available in the online application form will be accepted as a proof of residence. Amount of loan to meet the expenses for course fee including tuition fee and any other amount payable

Class Test Result – MATH

MIES Class Test Result All Centre MATH Full Marks- 30, Time- 20 Minutes [table id=”4″ responsive=”” responsive_breakpoint=””]

Class Test Result – ENG

MIES Class Test Result All Centre English Full Marks- 30, Time- 20 Minutes [table id=”3″ responsive=”” responsive_breakpoint=””]

Class Test Result – GI

MIES Class Test Result All Centre GI Full Marks- 30, Time- 20 Minutes [table id=”2″ responsive=”” responsive_breakpoint=””]

Naxal Attack in Chhattisgarh 2021

Naxal Attack in Chhattisgarh 2021

Naxal Attack in Chhattisgarh 2021. A privilege to introduce a write-up from one of the Top Institute for competitive exam course. MIES Institute is also one of the modern equipped Govt. Job exam institute in different locations in West Bengal. An informative article on the Naxal Attack in Chhattisgarh 2021 is been discussed by the Course Director. Mr. Jayanta Majumder of this Best training institute for the WBCS Exam. He had brilliantly described in this article the Naxal attack in Chhattisgarh 2021. MIES Institute is one of the Topmost coaching centers for SSC, PSC, RAIL, BANK, And OTHERS Govt. Job exam in West Bengal. MIES situated at Sonarpur, South Kolkata. Moreover, this competitive institute is one of the highest success rates in different Govt. Job exam in West Bengal. Location of MIES:- Sonarpur MIES, Sealdah MIES, Behala MIES, Barasat MIES, Howrah MIES, Chinsurah MIES, Konnagar MIES, MBuniadpur MIES etc. Naxal Attack in Chhattisgarh 2021 – The write-up follows below. Naxals, who attacked and ambushed security force personnel in Chhattisgarh’s Sukma on Saturday. First targeted officers leading the operation against them which led to some coordination issues, sources said. They also said that the helicopter was requisitioned by security force personnel when they saw heavy firing from Naxals but it could not land in its first attempt. It landed at a designated area around 4 pm on Saturday which helped the rescue operation. Sources said senior CRPF officers including Inspector General (IG) (Operations) and Additional Director General (ADG) had gone to Chhattisgarh from Delhi to plan a big operation in the second week of March. Once after the forces got input about the location of Madvi Hidma, a top Naxal of banned CPI (Maoist), around the Bijapur-Sukma border area. Top officers of CRPF as well as local police along with senior Security advisor of MHA K Vijay Kumar spent weeks in Chhattisgarh to plan the operation. The officer, who led the operation was second in command (2IC) of a battalion. And he has been injured in heaving firing by Naxals. A deputy commandant of CRPF got severely injured in the operation. From the DRG (District Reserve Guard), a sub-inspector-level official headed the team and it suffered the maximum casualties. The operation for Naxal Attack in Chhattisgarh 2021 The operation started on April 2 nights with the participation of almost 400 personnel of central and state police forces. They walked for almost 20 kilometers late at night on April 2. And were exhausted by the next morning as they reached an open area. Sources said that Naxals, who were following them from several kilometres, started firing at them in the morning around 10am. “After seeing very heavy firing, the first panic call was made around 10 am to send a helicopter for rescue and reinforcement. But the chopper couldn’t get a place to land and left. Therefore, around 4 pm, the chopper came again and it managed to land at a predefined place which helped in rescue operations,” A senior CRPF official told ANI. “Coordination was an issue since senior-most level DRG official was targeted by Naxals initially during the attack. At the beginning of the encounter, Naxals targeted seniormost officers of the forces which caused coordination issues,”. a source said Role of Sources Sources also said there is a possibility that Naxals may have got inputs about the movement of security force personnel from locals. Moreover, Naxals, who were following troops, targeted them at a place where they had domination. Sources also hinted that locals also played a role in helping the Naxals but it is yet to be established. MP Nathanael, a former IG of CRPF, said there was a failure at the planning stage.”There is certainly lapses at the level of planning. This operation could have planned keeping in mind heat and other topographical factors,” IG said. Security personnel was ambushed near Jonnaguda village around noon. In the encounter that broke out between security forces and Naxals along the Sukma-Bijapur border. At least 22 security personnel lost their lives in the attack. Around 31 sustained injuries in the encounter, Chhattisgarh Police said. Director-General of Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) Mr. Kuldiep Singh, who is in Chhattisgarh to monitor the situation following the attack. On Sunday said that there was no intelligence or operational failure in the operation. The Indian government has taken some positive steps. They have a dedicated task force to engage with the Naxals along with the army. Moreover, they are encouraging Naxals to give up their arms. By organizing surrendering camps where money is given to surrendering Naxals. They also help the police to nab these. The government is establishing schools in these tribal areas for the improvement of Naxals. The state government is creating awareness among the trials. And seems to be willing their trust though that is a difficult task. Some of the Naxal leaders such as Sabyasachi have been captured by the government which is a huge blow to the Naxals. All in all the governments are trying their best to eradicate the problem of jealousy. But the fact remains till the trials are not empowered. Moreover, till they are not educated if not Naxals then any other organisation will be created. Therefore, to clean this trouble we have to go to grass roots and every individual can help. Jobs education are rights of every Indian citizen and these must be given to them.

MIES Group Ethics

MIES Group Ethics

Just like human beings, no organisation/institution can have expansion or growth unless its working is based on some principles/codes/standards which are known as the ethics of the organisation. Without ethics no organisation can stand firmly and erectly on its own legs or make any indelible impression in the civil life of the country. With this idea, MIES has evolved its own ethics as laid down: The institute’s performance shall be measured by the quality of service provided to the students – No compromise with any tricks in this regard shall be tolerated. Discipline which is the intrinsic fabric for the existence of an organization shall be observed very strictly – violation will attract the penal provision. The Institute shall make no false or alluring commitment to a student for making any illegal effort for securing a job – any such committee shall be treated as a penal offense. Cordial relationship shall be the cementing bond to build up cohesive bondage between the faculty and staff members To render service to the students willingly and ungrudgingly shall be the common motto of both the teachers and staff members The Institute shall publish names, photos, and any other relevant information of the successful candidates only; no false name or photo of unsuccessful students shall be published to bring more credit to the institute. Such an act will attract penal provision The Institute will uniformly maintain service codes in force applicable to the employees, with modifications as and when necessary The Management of the institute will try to solve problem of any employee sympathetically as far as practicable The Institute shall not allow anyone attached to MIES to receive any extra payment from any student for any kind of service provided in the Institute or for giving him/her assurance for a job. The Institute will strictly follow its ethics and under no circumstance will deviate from it so far its relation with other company/organization is concerned for assuring win-win situation or for keeping its leading position amidst all competitors walking in such educational training field.