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Guiding Principles to Success

Mr. Jayanta Kr Majumder writes the article Guiding Principles to Success—Competitive Exam Study for different Govt. Job exams are essential for establishing the career of every Govt—job seeker. Being the Course Director of the MIES Institute, I feel that it is very necessary to grow awareness in society people as till today there is no alternative to Govt—a job in our country for a secure and peaceful life.

               MIES is a renowned coaching center for Govt. Job exams in West Bengal. Thousands of students appeared in Govt. service exam from MIES every year and got Government service maximum of them. MIES is the most popular institute among Government Job aspirants because of its specialty in School Service, WBCS, PSC, SSC, BANK, RAIL, Primary, and Upper Primary TET, etc exams. Students are given a huge number of Class Tests, Model Tests, and Mock Tests and also Practice a huge number of Online Tests through MIES APP in their course curriculum.  MIES is a pioneer institute of West Bengal Civil Service coaching in West Bengal.

As per the students’ version, MIES is the Best Training Academy for Govt. Job exam in West Bengal.

TIPS of Principles to Success

       For achieving success in general there are problems people are facing today either in individual life social life political or working life mainly due to negligence of moral values since men or women have systematically eliminated this vital aspect of human existence.

       Another success problem is the changing or altering of one’s attitude, perspective, behavior, or approach to a situation or towards achieving success.

Success and failure are part of life and ought to intercept each other. The keynote is to learn one’s lessons from both by not getting overconfident due to success or not being demoralized due to failure. Sometimes circumstances may lead to successive failures. During such a time or situation, instead of getting distressed or demoralized, and should adopt the following tips. (TIPS)


       If the above TIPS do not work correctly to effect success, then it is better to take a retrial for another attempt, and even then you fail to get the expected result or success, still, you must cling to your self-confidence & determination with the firm faith in the omnipotent God. This shall strengthen your moral & mental will & spirit to be ultimately rewarded with success because the part failures act as pillars of your future success.

Vital Point of Principles to Success

       This is another vital point upon failing to succeed in your aim, to be analytical to trace the causes of your failure or where & what has gone wrong that barred your success by self-introspection on the following points of your conscious inquiry and then act or plan to act properly with a positive mind & spirit.

  • was it the correct goal that you have/had chosen?
  • was it the right approach or option for success?
  • Were there the right resources to achieve?
  • Was there enough time for planning & implementation?
  • Was there any deficiency of knowledge & skill for achieving the goal?
  • Had it needed guidance from a senior for success?
  • Had any hesitation in taking the necessary guidance?
  • Was there any suspicion on confidence level for probable success?
What more do you need to be surely successful in achieving your goal or target?

For fostering a more positive construction or beneficial mindset or demeanor that might play more ensured success in your attempt and aim. In this case, you have to be stern to dispel or eliminate from your thought all the following negative virtues/attitudes and behavior from your habits and nature.

  • All negative attitudes and weaknesses must be rooted out of your mind.
  • All unfair and untruths from your mind.
  • All insincerity in duties & apathy from your mind.
  • The habit of politics in the workplace.
  • Fear, hesitation, or negligence to face or confront challenges.
  • All misunderstandings with colleagues or equals or bosses.
  • All rivalry and egoistic attitudes.
  • Lack of interest & enthusiasm.
  • Ego Trap & overconfidence.
  • Misconception by side influence.
  • Wrath & repentation.
  • Lack of skill & foresight.
  • Unforgiveness.
  • Fear of change.
  • Procrastination.
  • Lack of confidence.
  • Wrong assessment of goal.
  • Thinking in the past.
  • Aversion to expansion.
  • Overlooking or overthinking over goals.
  • Selfishness and arrogance.


       Individuality represents the ego as genetically limited and person/personality represents the ego as expanding beyond that genetic limitation.

       According to Vedanta, it is the first step in moral & spiritual growth, it rescues man from submergence in the collectivity and installs him or her on the throne of human freedom and dignity and is purely a human phenomenon for success. No animal can develop its individuality as it has no self-awareness or ego, so they are animals & remain as animals ending with death.

       In our country, from now on, students should be educated to steadily grow & turn from individuality to personality so that they know how to serve others, to find a place for others in their scheme of living and working in this phenomenal world as a true & humane personality.

       Humans must change themselves into persons of good attitude, of good words & works and behavior which shall lead them to success & greatness.

TEMPERAMENT Principles to Success

       Temper plays a very important role in all walks of life. We can say that the acceptance of a person in society, in the family, and the workplace is greatly affected by his temperament.

       A cool-headed person will be more acceptable in all walks of life. Everyone likes to come across or deal with a cool-headed person who can understand things in a much better way than a short-tempered person. It is noticed that a cool-headed person can handle situations in a much better way and are thus more successful in life.

       On the other hand, short-tempered persons are disliked, because due to loss of temper, they may sometimes fail to understand and consider a genuine problem, and as a result, lose popularity. This is one reason why everyone wants to work with more willingly and devotedly under a cool-headed person.

Controlling of temper

       Being short-tempered in most cases will sooner or later bring about unpopularity, dislike, lack of willingness, submission, and devotion from subordinates and coworkers. In extreme cases, it may lead to rebellious non-cooperation. So man always should be in good control of his temper and ensure that he does not make rash decisions in a fit of anger.

       Various techniques have been discussed by psychologists to control this part of the personality, but most of them revolve around the basic principle of delaying a reaction, and by far it is the best technique because by not giving an immediate reaction, not only you can emerge from the fit of anger but also you can get time to give a second and a third thought to the matter and get to a conclusion. Remember what Jacob Levin has to say regarding reaching to conclusions: –

“It’s a rash man who reaches a conclusion Before he gets to it”.

DISCIPLINEPrinciples to Success

       Discipline is one factor, which is responsible for the existence of life on this planet and is very strictly followed by the creator himself. It is thus above the creator and even he cannot afford to ignore it. Give a thought to the movement of planets, galaxies, the solar system, and all the other celestial bodies. From times infinite these have been behaving under strict discipline otherwise they would have collided with each other and there would not have been any chance of the existence of this universe. Hence, we may say that the extreme of discipline is the creator himself or vice-versa creator is the extreme of discipline.

       Thus we can understand the importance of discipline, without which the existence of life cannot be imagined. Discipline has a very broad meaning and is applicable in all aspects of life thus it should be applied with complete honesty and reverence. However, broadly for understanding purposes, we can divide it into PUNCTUALITY and ETIQUETTE.


       Punctuality is the offspring of discipline and discipline is the better half of punctuality. They both go hand in hand, he who does not observe punctuality cannot be disciplined and vice-versa he who is not disciplined cannot be punctual. Money lost can be retrieved, respect lost can be regained, love lost can be reconciled but there is no remedy for the time lost, as the time once lost cannot be recalled. Time once gone is gone forever and one cannot do anything except to repent. Hence we see that the loss of time is the biggest loss, which under no circumstances can be recovered.

Time and tied wait for none

       It is said that time and tied wait for none. If a person does not do his duty in time he shall lag and the opportunities coming his way with time shall pass away because he is not ready and is still busy with his past responsibilities. Thus we see that while learning discipline the first thing taught is punctuality because a punctual person not only makes a better use of his own time and opportunities but also of the time and opportunities of other people and thus can give a better outcome.

On the other hand, a person who is not punctual, not only wastes his own time but also the time of other people and becomes a cause for loss of time and money. Sometimes he may become a cause of frustration and anger for others. Hence, punctuality is the first rule to be learned while learning discipline.

ETIQUETTEPrinciples to Success

       Etiquette is taught from the very childhood and it includes how to interact with others. Being the first lesson of childhood it is strange that it is never perfect and most people make vital mistakes in this field, hence continuous revision of the text is required in this aspect of discipline, it extends from understanding your coworkers and younger, to handling your elders, juniors, and older people. May it be your personal life or your professional life etiquette is an inseparable part of it.

Behavior – Principles to Success

       Human behavior has a very wide meaning, defining behavior is not easy, we may say that there is no absolute definition for it; It includes everything we do or say our actions and reactions. However, for understanding, we may say that the behavior of a person is his response to any sort of stimulus, may it be verbal, physical, mental, or psychological. It includes or is affected by every aspect of the human personality and hence separating it from personality is impossible, rather it is one of the most important parts of the personality. Any behavior change is easily noticed by oneself and others and directly affects the personality of the person. Fortunately, we as humans are in control of this aspect of the personality, and hence by improving our behavior we can greatly enhance our personality.

       To affect changes in behavior we must know the components of it i.e.

  1. Physical Components
  2. Mental Components
Physical Components include actions and reactions to any stimulus, mental components include thinking attitude, and aptitude.
Actions Reactions ThinkingAptitudeAttitude

       The actions and reactions are affected by thinking, aptitude, and attitude and hence thinking, aptitude, and attitude are required to be nourished to achieve overall behavioral change thus affecting personality development.

       Aptitude includes the qualities of a person, which make him apt or suitable for any job, environment, or situation. Hence to develop the aptitude an increment in knowledge can solve the along with information on how to utilize this knowledge. To develop aptitude towards a particular job the knowledge of that job or subject is required. This increase in knowledge makes the person more confident more active more acceptable and more respectable in the field.

Attitude – Principles to Success

       Attitude is directly related to the knowledge of the subject, interest, and willpower. If the person has the required knowledge he will enjoy doing the work and develop interest. His willpower, aspirations, and ambition further boost his attitude.

       “Positive way of thinking” is not just an attractive slogan or an attitude of mind towards people, things, events, or day-to-day work, but instead it is a “Complete way of living and leading a successful life”. Thus we see that a person with a positive frame of mind is not only more successful but also enjoys a better and less stressful life.

       We are all human beings and take for granted mistakes, the key is to accept, analyze, and improve upon them. Losing hope will certainly lead to either surrender or a half-hearted try which shall again lead to a second failure and Thus lead to demoralization and negative thoughts.

Smile, Mood, Habits & Emotions

       The longest journey begins with the first step, so let us take the first step of maintaining a fresh smile on our face because you can not think negative thoughts for long, while you are smiling or laughing.

       Smile is such a powerful tool that can win you anything. If you meet anyone with a smile he is sure to return you one and in this give and take of smiles a sort of bond develops between the two and he is sure to start liking you. Even under difficult situations when you are annoyed try to maintain your smile and you will see that you will be able to handle the situation more effectively without annoying anyone.


       The mood of a person at a particular time has a lot of implications on the expressions of the face, his reactions, and overall behavior. In particular, annoyance and irritability are expressions, that others can read very easily from the face and eyes. If a person is in a tense mood and has to go to a party, you can imagine if he does not change his mood, he will not like the light atmosphere in the party. His facial expressions may pass this message to others and he will be secluded from the party.

       So we see that the mood of a person will not affect the party but he will be secluded and will lose acceptability. If this happens to be a business party this person is sure to lose at least some business.

       Hence, we should learn to control our mood and adjust to the circumstances we are in. Otherwise, we ought to lose on the personal, professional, and financial fronts in life.

Develop Good Habits
Good Habits Enhance Your Personality
You Will Be More Relaxed And More Successful

       Man is individual with each other like the balls in a billiard board. But with inner richness the same individuals grow from individuality to great or good personalities. Then they can cooperate with others, understand others well, love others well, serve others well and develop them into bigger open hearts & they can enter into hearts of others & others can enter into theirs.

       A British biologist & humanist Sir Julian Huxley gave a very nice definition of a “person & personality”. He said, “Persons are individuals who transcend their organic individuality in conscious social participation.” Hope that I will be able to clear the whole concept of Principles to Success

       This means that an individual is only a genetically limited man or woman. One can transcend that genetic limitation by conscious social participation & thus grows & develops into a person to loves all & to be loved by all & he becomes the most successful man or ideal individual or great personality.

MIES Institute is one of the Best Institute for PSC, SSC, RAIL, BANK, School service, Primary TET, Upper Primary TET, etc. exam preparation in Kolkata of West Bengal, situated at Sonarpur (HO), Sealdah (Main City Centre), Branches at Barasat, Behala Chowrasta. Moreover, this Institute is one of the best coaching institutes for Government Job exams preparation in West Bengal. MIES Institute is the topmost competitive institute for the Civil Service Exam.

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