MIES Group



RECRUITMENT OF JUNIOR ASSOCIATES RECRUITMENT OF JUNIOR ASSOCIATES (CUSTOMER SUPPORT & SALES) for State Bank of India ONLINE REGISTRATION OF APPLICATION } And PAYMENT OF FEES : 17.12.2024 TO 07.01.2025 A preliminary Examination will be conducted tentatively in February 2025. The main Examination will be conducted tentatively in March / April 2025. AGE (As of 01.04.2024): Not below 20 years and not above 28 years as of 01.04.2024,i.e. candidates must have been born not earlier than 02.04.1996 and not later than 01.04.2004 (both days inclusive). > Relaxation of upper age limit: SC/ ST – 5 years, OBC – 3 years, and others as per rules. ESSENTIAL ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS (As of 31.12.2024): Graduation in any discipline from a recognized University or any equivalent qualification recognized as such by the Central Government. Candidates having integrated dual degree (IDD) certificates should ensure that the date of passing the IDD is on or before 31.12.2024. > Those who are in the final year/ semester of their graduation may also apply provisionally subject to the condition that, if provisionally selected, they will have to produce proof of having passed the graduation examination on or before 31.12.2024. HOW TO APPLY: Candidates can apply online and no other mode of application will be accepted. Candidates will be required to register themselves online through the Bank’s website https://bank .sbi/web/careers/current-openings OR https://www.sbi.eo.in/web/careers/current-openings-Recruitment of Junior Associates 2024… After registration candidates are required to pay the requisite application fee through online mode by using debit card/ credit card/ Internet Banking. Helpdesk: In case of any problem in filling up the form, payment of feel intimation charges, or receipt of Admission/call letter, queries may be made at telephone no. 022-22820427 (between 11:00 AM and 05:00 PM on working days) or lodge his/her query on  http://cgrs.ibps.in. Candidates are advised not to forget to mention ‘Recruitment of Junior Associate-2024’ in the subject of the email. Pre-requisites for Applying Online: kept active in the declaration of results. It will help him/ her in getting call letters/pieces of advice etc. by email/ SMS. b. The text of the hand-written declarations is as follows: “I, (Name of the candidate), Date of Birth … hereby declare that all the information submitted by me in the application form is correct, true, and valid. I will present the supporting documents as and when required. The signature, photograph,h and left thumb impression is of mine”. c. Left Thumb Impression: If a candidate does not have a left thumb, they may use his /her right thumb for applying) d. Candidates to visit the Bank’s web site https://bank.sb i/careers/ Current- openings or https://www.sbi.co.in/careers/Current-openi ngs and open the appropriate Online Application Form, available under Recruitment of JuniorAssociates. Apply g.  Fee can be paid by using debit card/ credit card/ Internet Banking by providing information as asked on the screen. Transaction charges for online payment, if any, will be borne by the candidates.



RECRUITMENT OF PROBATIONARY OFFICERS (POs)-2024 RECRUITMENT OF PROBATIONARY OFFICERS (POs)-2024 by STATE BANK OF INDIA ONLINE REGISTRATION, EDITING/ MODIFICATION } OF APPLICATION AND PAYMENT OF FEES: 27.12.2024 to 16.01.2025 AGE (As of 01.04.2024): Not below 21yearsandnot above 30 years as of 01.04.2024 i.e.candidates must have been born not later than 01.04.2003 and not earlier than 02.04.1994 (both days inclusive). Relaxation in the Upper age limit shall be as follows: Relaxation of Upper age limit: SC/ ST – 5 years, OBC – 3 years, Others as per rules. ESSENTIAL ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS (As of 30.04.2025): Graduation in any discipline from a recognized University or any equivalent qualification recognized as such by the Central Government. > Those who are in the Final Year/ Semester of their Graduation may also apply provisionally subject to the condition that, if called for interview, they will have to produce proof of having passed the graduation examination on or before 30.04.2025. Candidates having an Integrated Dual Degree (IDD) certificate should ensure that the date of passing the IDD is on or before 30.04.2025. Candidates possessing qualifications such as Medical, Engineering1, Chartered Accountant, Cost Accountant, etc. would also be eligible. > Candidate should indicate the percentage obtained in Graduation calculated to the nearest two decimals in the online application. Where CGPA/ OGPA is awarded, the same should be converted into a percentage and indicated in the online application. If called for an interview, the candidate will have to produce a certificate issued by the appropriate authority inter alia stating the norms of the University. Regarding the conversion of grades into percentages and the percentage of marks scored by the candidate in terms of these norms. > Calculation of Percentage: The percentage marks shall be arrived at by dividing the total marks obtained by the candidate in all the subjects in all the semester(s)/ year(s) by aggregate maximum marks in all the subjects irrespective of Honours/ optional/additional optional subject, if any. This will be applicable for those Universities where Class/ Grade is decided based on Honours marks only. The fraction of percentage so arrived will be ignored i.e. 59.99% will be treated as less than 60% and 54.99% will be treated as less than 55%. HOW TO APPLY: Candidates can apply online only from 27.12.2024 to 16.01.2025. No other mode of application will be accepted. Candidates will be required to register themselves online through the Bank’s ‘Career’ website https://bank.sbi/careers or https://www.sbi.co.in/careers. After registration candidates are required to pay the requisite application fee. Through online mode by using debit card/ credit card/ Internet Banking. … Helpdesk: In case of any problem in filling up the form, payment of fee/ intimation charges, or receipt of Admission / call letter. Do queries may be made at telephone no. 022-22820427 (between 11:00 AM to 06:00 PM on working days). Or lodge their query at http://cgrs.ibps.in. Candidates should mention ‘RECRUITMENT OF PROBATIONARY OFFICERS IN STATE BANK OF INDIA-2024’ in the subject of the email.

Recruitment in NTPC by Railway Recruitment Board

Recruitment in NTPC by Railway

Recruitment in NTPC by Railway Recruitment in NTPC By Railway – Non-Technical Popular Categories (NTPC) Under Graduate Posts [CEN No.06/2024] Opening and Closing dates for Submission of Application (Graduate Posts): 21.09.2024 to 20.10.2024 at 23:59 hrs. Closing Date for fee payment after closing date i.e.20.10.2024:22.10.2024 Date for Modification window for corrections in application form: 23.10.2024 to 01.11.2024 POST DETAILS AT A GLANCE: Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following posts of Non-Technical Popular Categories in the table(s) below. Application(s) (complete in all respects) must be submitted ONLINE ONLY. For details, please refer to CEN No.06/2024(Under Graduate) listed on the official websites of RRBs. Under Graduate Posts with Minimum Educational Qualification of 12th (+2 Stage) or its equivalent examination and Age between 18 to 33*Years (with 3 years relaxation as per detailinCEN) as of 01.01.2025. ESSENTIAL EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS: Modes of Payment of Fee : Closing Date and Time of Fee Payment: Online payment will be allowed till 23.59 hrs. of 22.10.2024, for candidates who register successfully till 23:59 hrs. of 20.10.2024. After making payment, these candidates should submit their applications on or before 23:59 hrs. of 20.10.2024. HOW TO APPLY for Recruitment in NTPC by Railway: + Candidate Photograph: JPEG image of size 30 KBto 70 KB + Candidate Signature: JPEG image of size 30 KBto 70 KB +  SC/ST Certificate (Only for candidates seeking Free TravelPass): PDF format of size up to 500 KB. +  Scribe Photo(wherever applicable): JPEG image of size 30 KBto 70 KB e Once the RRB has been selected, preliminary registration is completed. Once the registration number is allotted, a change of RRB will not be permitted under any circumstances. Moreover, candidates are required to go to the link provided for filling ONLINE application. Fill up the personal details/Bio­ Data, fee paid, etc. carefully. They are also required to exercise their option/preference for Post(s), Railway(s)/Production Unit(s).

Guiding Principles to Success

Principles to Success

Guiding Principles to Success Mr. Jayanta Kr Majumder writes the article Guiding Principles to Success—Competitive Exam Study for different Govt. Job exams are essential for establishing the career of every Govt—job seeker. Being the Course Director of the MIES Institute, I feel that it is very necessary to grow awareness in society people as till today there is no alternative to Govt—a job in our country for a secure and peaceful life.                MIES is a renowned coaching center for Govt. Job exams in West Bengal. Thousands of students appeared in Govt. service exam from MIES every year and got Government service maximum of them. MIES is the most popular institute among Government Job aspirants because of its specialty in School Service, WBCS, PSC, SSC, BANK, RAIL, Primary, and Upper Primary TET, etc exams. Students are given a huge number of Class Tests, Model Tests, and Mock Tests and also Practice a huge number of Online Tests through MIES APP in their course curriculum.  MIES is a pioneer institute of West Bengal Civil Service coaching in West Bengal. As per the students’ version, MIES is the Best Training Academy for Govt. Job exam in West Bengal. TIPS of Principles to Success        For achieving success in general there are problems people are facing today either in individual life social life political or working life mainly due to negligence of moral values since men or women have systematically eliminated this vital aspect of human existence.        Another success problem is the changing or altering of one’s attitude, perspective, behavior, or approach to a situation or towards achieving success. Success and failure are part of life and ought to intercept each other. The keynote is to learn one’s lessons from both by not getting overconfident due to success or not being demoralized due to failure. Sometimes circumstances may lead to successive failures. During such a time or situation, instead of getting distressed or demoralized, and should adopt the following tips. (TIPS) T – THINKING I – INVOLVEMENT P – PERSEVERANCE S – SINCERITY        If the above TIPS do not work correctly to effect success, then it is better to take a retrial for another attempt, and even then you fail to get the expected result or success, still, you must cling to your self-confidence & determination with the firm faith in the omnipotent God. This shall strengthen your moral & mental will & spirit to be ultimately rewarded with success because the part failures act as pillars of your future success. Vital Point of Principles to Success        This is another vital point upon failing to succeed in your aim, to be analytical to trace the causes of your failure or where & what has gone wrong that barred your success by self-introspection on the following points of your conscious inquiry and then act or plan to act properly with a positive mind & spirit. What more do you need to be surely successful in achieving your goal or target? For fostering a more positive construction or beneficial mindset or demeanor that might play more ensured success in your attempt and aim. In this case, you have to be stern to dispel or eliminate from your thought all the following negative virtues/attitudes and behavior from your habits and nature. SENSE OF INDIVIDUALITY AND PERSONALITY IS INEVITABLE NEED TO SUCCESS        Individuality represents the ego as genetically limited and person/personality represents the ego as expanding beyond that genetic limitation.        According to Vedanta, it is the first step in moral & spiritual growth, it rescues man from submergence in the collectivity and installs him or her on the throne of human freedom and dignity and is purely a human phenomenon for success. No animal can develop its individuality as it has no self-awareness or ego, so they are animals & remain as animals ending with death.        In our country, from now on, students should be educated to steadily grow & turn from individuality to personality so that they know how to serve others, to find a place for others in their scheme of living and working in this phenomenal world as a true & humane personality.        Humans must change themselves into persons of good attitude, of good words & works and behavior which shall lead them to success & greatness. TEMPERAMENT – Principles to Success        Temper plays a very important role in all walks of life. We can say that the acceptance of a person in society, in the family, and the workplace is greatly affected by his temperament.        A cool-headed person will be more acceptable in all walks of life. Everyone likes to come across or deal with a cool-headed person who can understand things in a much better way than a short-tempered person. It is noticed that a cool-headed person can handle situations in a much better way and are thus more successful in life.        On the other hand, short-tempered persons are disliked, because due to loss of temper, they may sometimes fail to understand and consider a genuine problem, and as a result, lose popularity. This is one reason why everyone wants to work with more willingly and devotedly under a cool-headed person. Controlling of temper        Being short-tempered in most cases will sooner or later bring about unpopularity, dislike, lack of willingness, submission, and devotion from subordinates and coworkers. In extreme cases, it may lead to rebellious non-cooperation. So man always should be in good control of his temper and ensure that he does not make rash decisions in a fit of anger.        Various techniques have been discussed by psychologists to control this part of the personality, but most of them revolve around the basic principle of delaying a reaction, and by far it is the best technique because by not giving an immediate reaction, not only you can emerge from the fit of anger but also you can get time to give a second and a third thought to the



GLOBAL WARMING CAUSES AND EFFECT Mr. Tapan Kumar Das has been associated with MIES Institute for the last 5 years as a Skill Development Officer. He has experience in teaching WBCS, SSC, PSC, RAIL, etc exams. He is very grateful to MIES Management for giving him a chance as a Skill Development Officer at MIES Institute which is one of the best competitive coaching centres in West Bengal. In His opinion, MIES Institute is one of the top competitive exam institutes in West Bengal. This is an awesome write-up from him on GLOBAL WARMING CAUSES AND EFFECT.       MIES is a renowned coaching center for Govt. Job exams in West Bengal. Thousands of students appeared in Govt. service exam from MIES every year and got Govt. service maximum of them. MIES is the most popular institute among Govt. Job aspirants because of their specialty in School Service, WBCS, PSC, SSC, BANK, RAIL, etc exams.  MIES is a pioneer institute of West Bengal Civil Service coaching in West Bengal. As per the students’ version, MIES is the Best Training Academy for Govt. Job exam in West Bengal. GLOBAL WARMING CAUSES AND EFFECT Introduction : Global warming is mainly a human-caused increase in global surface temperatures due to the rise in this global surface temperature. The earth’s climate also changes. So it is said, from a practical point of view that “Global Warming and climate change are often used interchangeably. Global warming and its effects on climate change include both global warming and climate change as demonstrated by direct temperature measurement and by measurement of various effects of warming. How Global Warming occurs : Global warming occurs when carbon dioxide (CO2) and other air pollutants and greenhouse gases collect in the atmosphere and absorb sunlight and solar radiation that have bounced off the earth’s surface. Normally, this radiation would escape into space – but these pollutants which can last for years to centuries in the atmosphere, trap the heat and cause the planet to get hotter. That is what is known as the greenhouse effect. Lately, the severity of global warming and climate change has been brought to our shocking notice through the hard-hitting bushfires engulfing the country – continent of Australia leaving its ecosystem in peril with over a billion species of animals & birds lost, thousands of human inhabitants displaced and even lost their lives. Effects of it : The effects of global warming include rising sea levels, regional changes in precipitation, more frequent extreme weather events such as heat waves, and the expansion of deserts. Ocean acidification is also caused by greenhouse gas emissions and is commonly grouped with these effects even though it is not driven by temperature. Surface temperature increases are greatest in the Arctic which has contributed to the retreat of glaciers, permanently frozen subsoil, and sea ice. Overall, higher temperatures bring more rain and snowfall, but some regions – increase drought and wildfires. Global warming causing changes in the climate threatens to diminish crop yields, harming food security & rising sea levels may flood coastal infrastructure and force the abandonment of many coastal cities, extinction or relocation of many species from this planet, will global warming cause change in the ecosystem affecting environments of coral reefs, maintains, and the Arctic. How the effects of global warming affecting & destroying the world’s biggest mangrove, the Sunderbans and causing increasingly intense tropical storms including the destruction of nature, houses, and properties & species of this planet : Because of global warming; causing accelerating sea-level rise is likely to submerge the Sunderbans due to the destruction of mangroves. This concerned mangroves of Sunderbans could absorb & resist the high force of wind and wind, lessen the rampage caused by cyclones & other storms. Now scientists predict that under such a continuously increased high emission scenario & sea-level rise may totally inundate most of the Sunderbans by the middle of this century & wipe out totally by the end of the century. It is sure that without the existence of this biggest mangrove, that day is not very far that Kolkata city & its people may go underwater & destroyed due to high wind force and increasingly rising of sea level. The Amazon effects for resistance to global warming interconnected with climatic change :     The Amazon in South America is over 2.1 million square miles dense with rain forest which is more than half of the rainforest of the entire planet. Trees use the sun to create glucose from water and carbon dioxide. In the process, they release Oxygen into the air. Hence Amazon’s nickname is “lungs of the world” because it is responsible for so much production of Oxygen. There are concerns that the Amazon could become a net source rather than a sink (storage) of carbon dioxide (CO2), a gas emitted mainly from burning fossil fuels, coal, oil, and natural gas – and the major driver for global climate change. The Amazon due to its massive oxygen release into the atmosphere works in the significant reduction /or resistance to global warming no doubt. This natural massive effect of the Amazon’s vast rainforest causes resistance as well as a reduction in global warming, which today has been destroyed extremely by the multi-nationals as they are invading the Amazon for their business benefit since the high price and demand for Amazonian hardwood all over the world. There are also farmers, Practically cattle ranchers, and soy farmers, who illegally clear areas for their farms. Artificial effects So the bad luck of the planet and its species majorly human beings who are vitally responsible for the deforestation of the Amazon rainforest is progressing rapidly, with close to 20% of the forest gone in the last 40 years. (As per Alejandra Borunda’s Internet published on August 29, 2019) Besides, thousands of fires are burning across a Southern Swath of the Amazon. They belch smoke and root, blanketing those who live downwind with thick, dirty air, hurting wildlife in their path,



COMBINED HIGHER SECONDARY LEVEL EXAMINATION 2024 by Staff Selection Commission COMBINED HIGHER SECONDARY LEVEL EXAMINATION 2024 (10+2) by Staff Selection Commission. The Staff Selection Commission will hold a competitive examination for recruitment to the Group C posts viz. Lower Divisional Clerk/ Junior Secretariat Assistant and Data Entry Operators for various Ministries/Departments/ Offices of the Government of India and various Constitutional Bodies/Statutory Bodies/Tribunals, etc.. GOVERNMENT STRIVES TO HAVE A WORKFORCE WHICH REFLECTS GENDER BALANCE AND WOMEN CANDIDATES ARE ENCOURAGED TO APPLY” *Schedule of Computer Based Examination (Tier-I) :June-July, 2024Dates of Tier-II Examination :To be notified later AGE LIMIT (As on 01-08-2024): The Age limit for the posts is 18-27 years i.e. Candidates born not before 02-08-1997 and not later than 01-08-2006 are eligible to apply. ESSENTIAL EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (As of 01-08-2024): APPLICATION FEE: IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES BEFORE APPLYING, CANDIDATES MUST GO THROUGH THE INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN IN THE NOTICE OF EXAMINATION VERY CAREFULLY. THE NOTICE OF EXAMINATION IS PRINTED BOTH IN ENGLISH AND HINDI. IN CASE OF ANY DISPUTE, THE ENGLISH VERSION WILL PREVAIL. ***For any details please go through the original notification.**** Application link: https://ssc.go.in



RECRUITMENT TO THE POSTS OF SUB-INSPECTOR (UNARMED & ARMED BRANCH) IN WEST BENGAL POLICE – 2024 by West Bengal Police Recruitment Board ADVT. No. WBPRB / NOTICE  – 2024/14 (Sl_WBP_24) Application Form Submission ( on-line only) and Payment of Fees : 09.03.2024 (06:00 hrs.) to 07.04.2024 (23:59 hrs.). Edit Window: 10.04.2024 to 16.04.2024 (till 23:59 hrs) AGE (As on 01.01.2024) for RECRUITMENT TO THE POSTS OF SUB-INSPECTOR (UNARMED & ARMED BRANCH):- The applicant must not be below 20 (twenty) years and not more than 30 (thirty) years    as on 01.01.2024. Upper age limit is relax able by 5 (five) years in case of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes candidates, by 3 (three) years in case of Other Backward Classes-A and Other Backward Classes-B candidates and by 3 (three)years in case of Transgender persons. Note:· Date of Birth as recorded in Madhyamik or equivalent admit card/certificate will only be accepted as valid proof for verification of age. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION The applicant- must have a bachelor’s degree in any discipline from a recognized university or its equivalent. OTHER INSTRUCTIONS:- THE APPLICANTS ARE STRONGLY ADVISED TO SUBMIT THEIR APPLICATIONS WELL IN ADVANCE WITHOUT WAITING FOR THE LAST DATE AND TIME OF SUBMISSION TO AVOID DELAYED SUBMISSION DUE TO SERVER PROBLEM OR ANY OTHER TECHNICAL GLITCHES. Issuance of Admit Card for Written Examination or any latter stage is subject to acceptance of candidature on fulfilling the eligibility criteria and proper submission of application form. Hence,getting SMS on final submission of Application Form doesn’t warrant issuance of any Admit Card/Call Letter to the applicants for Written Examination or further stages. Candidates should fill up their Gender correctly. Filling up of incorrect gender will lead cancellation of candidature even after issuance of Admit Card/Call Letter. The photograph, biometric data with iris of a candidate may be captured at different stages of recruitment process. The photograph, biometric and/or iris of the candidate appeared in different stages will be matched with that of captured in earlier stages. In case of any mismatch of face, biometric and/or iris candidature shall be rejected summarily. No cosmetic surgery in between, unless scarred by grievous injury which must be promptly conveyed with the copies of documents to the WBPRB at wbprb10@gmail.com mentioning the Subject, Application Serial Number with the name of Recruitment Drive. Defective/incomplete applications/applications with fuzzy photograph of applicants will besummarily rejected. Each applicant should submit ONE application form only.Application of those who submit more than one application form will be rejected summarily and the amount of application and/or processing fees will be forfeited. Application  Forms  shall  be  rejected  in case  the  signature  of  the  applicant  is  uploaded/rendered  in block letters/unintelligible/does not match with the name of the candidate. Admission to the examination will be purely provisional subject to verification of eligibility at a later stage. Therefore, candidature of any candidate shall be rejected straightway if found not eligible at any stage, even after appearance in the tests /examinations. SC/ST/OBC-A /OBC-B candidates of OTHER States will be treated as General (UN-reserved) category candidates. No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates for their journey to attend Written Examination, PMT & PET & Personality Test. They will appear for selection tests at their own expenses. The Recruitment Board will not beheld responsible for any harm or injury to any candidate emerging out of the conduct of the PMT& PETor other tests. All entries except religion field in the Application Form are compulsory. Application submitted keeping any of the columns blank would lead to summary rejection without any intimation to the applicant. A candidate who has been reported against by the Venue-in-Charge of the examination venue for violating any of the instructions or for having adopted unfair means at the arena/venue/examination hall or having used electronic gadgets like Earpiece, Smart Phone, etc. in the examination hall,will be punished with cancellation of his/her candidature and also be debarred from appearing in future examinations/selection processes as may be decided by the Recruitment Board. Assessment and evaluation of OMR sheet done by the Board shall be final and shall not be open to scrutiny by any external authority. Candidates who disclose their identity by writing their names/roll no. or QB No. other than the space provided for it or putting any identifying marks inside the OMR Answer Sheet will be disqualified and their candidature will summarily be rejected. The decision of the Selection Board on all matters relating to eligibility, place, date, mode of selection, acceptance or rejection of candidature will be final and binding on the candidates. Candidates dissatisfied with their Physical Measurement Test (PMT) during field test may appeal in writing before the Chairperson, of the Selection Board/Committee on the same day of their tests. No appeal in this regard will be entertained in future. The height of a candidate may be re-measured at any stage including at the Personality Test at the discretion of the Board and the decision of the Board shall be final and binding on the candidates. Only shortlisted candidates will be asked to produce all relevant original certificates along with the self-attested photocopies for verification during the time of Personality Test, failing which their candidature shall be rejected without any further communication. The Mobile No.and e-mail ID of the applicants are being taken for communication by the Board for future intimation with regard to the recruitment process and nothing else. The Board, under no circumstances, will request or advise the applicant for any further personal information and/or additional fees and/or payment of any kind of fee to any official connected and/or not connected with the Board. Candidates may report such occurrence, if any to the Member, West Bengal Police Recruitment Board, along with due evidence (documentary/electronic) and also communications other than change of caste/category to be sent to WBPRB (wbprb10@gmail.com) mentioning the subject of grievance or request clearly. In case of any difficulties in submitting the application form the prospective applicants are advised to communicate either through telephone (Contact No.7044108689 & 7044109346) during office hours (10 AM to



SELECTION POSTS-PHASE-XII EXAMINATION-2024 by Staff Selection Commission SELECTION POSTS-PHASE-XII EXAMINATION-2024 by Staff Selection Commission ADVT.NO.Phase-Xll/2024/Selection Posts Dates for submission of online applications: 26.02.2024 to 18.03.2024 Last date and time for making online fee payment:19.03.2024 (2300 Hrs) Dates of ‘Window for Application Form Correction’ including online payment. : 22.03.2024 to 24.03.2024 (2300 Hrs) Schedule of Computer Based Examination  :06-08th May,2024 (tentatively) POST DETAILS: OnlineApplications are invited from eligible candidates for the Selection Posts indicated inAnnexure- 111 of the original Notice. Details/ Description of posts are given atAnnexure-111 of the Notice. Direct Link for Post­ details is available at Candidate Portal which can be seen by login into https://ssc.gov.in —+ Candidates Dashboard—+Latest  Notification —+Phase-Xll/2024/Selection Posts -Post Details Link. AGE LIMIT (As on 01.01.2024): Age limit for a particular category of post(s) is mentioned in Post-details in Annexure-111 of the original Notice against each category of post. There are different age group for different category of post(s), i.e. 18-25,18-27, 18-28,18 – 30, 18- 35, 18 – 37,18-42, 20-25,21 -25,21 -27,21- 28,21 – 30,25 -30. ESSENTIAL EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (As on 18.03.2024): IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES-: BEFORE APPLYING, CANDIDATES ARE ADVISED TO GO THROUGH THE INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN INTHE NOTICE OF EXAMINATION VERY CAREFULLY. –*–For more details please go through the original notification–.– Application link: https://sscgov.in/

RECRUITMENT To The Posts Of Constables & Lady Constables

RECRUITMENT To The Posts Of Constables & Lady Constables In Kolkata Police -2024

RECRUITMENT To The Posts Of Constables & Lady Constables In Kolkata Police -2024 Application window (for submitting an application through online mode only): 01.03.2024 (from 00:01hrs.) LAST DATE OF RECEIPT OF ONLINE APPLICATION :29.03.2024 (till 23:59 hrs.) Editing Window :- 01.04.2024 (00:01 hrs.) to 07.04.2024 (23:59 hrs.). EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION: AGE: AGE (As on 01/01/2024) :18-30 Years (Relaxation of age limit for SC/ST-5 Years, OBC – 3 Years, Third Gender! Transgender persons-3 Years, Civic Volunteers-5 Years) Note :- LANGUAGE : The applicant must be able to read, write and speak Bengali language provided that the provision will not be applicable to the persons who are permanent residents of hill sub-divisions of Darjeeling and Kalimpong Districts. Female candidates are eligible to apply for the posts of Lady Constable in Kolkata Police. Male and Third Gender/ Transgender candidates are eligible to apply for the posts of Constable in Kolkata Police. EDITING WINDOW :- An editing window for 07 (seven) days will be given to the applicants who want to edit/rectify their personal information already submitted in their Application Form. The period of this editing window will be available from 01.04.2024 (00:01 hrs.) to 07.04.2024 (23:59 hrs.).To edit the personal information, the applicant will have to provide their (i) Application SI. No.or Registered Mobile Number (ii) Date of Birth (DOB) as entered in the Application. On providing these information, the applicant will get an OTP to their Mobile Number. On successful verification of OTPthe applicant will be allowed to edit their information (except permanent State, Mobile Number & E-mail Id.). Applicants can change their category but change from non-paying category (SC &ST) to paying category (UR, EWS, OBC-A & OBC-B) [Application Fees) shall not be allowed. After editing all the details, the applicant has to submit the edited application otherwise no change will be reflected in the main data. Applicants will also be able to download the modified application pdf only after submission of the edited application orelse the previous application pdf will be available. Request for change/correction in the personal details (except category) shall not be entertained under any circumstances after the last date of editing window. However, if a candidate procures caste certificate after editing window is closed and wants to change his/her category, the candidates must submit the petitions with relevant documents at changing.caste.category.ews.only@gmail.com mentioning the subject properly with Application SI. No. and Recruitment Drive e.g.



RECRUITMENT TO THE POST OF CONSTABLES IN WEST BENGAL POLICE • 2024 COMMENCEMENT OF SUBMISSION OF ONLINE APPLICATION: 07.03.2024 (from 00:01 hrs.) LAST DATE OF RECEIPT OF ONLINE APPLICATION: 05.04.2024 (till 23:59 hrs.). Editing Window :·08.04.2024 to 14.04.2024 EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION : The applicant must have passed the Madhyamik Examination from the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education or its equivalent AGE (As of 01/01/2024): 18-30 Years (Relaxation of age limit for SC/ST – 5 Years, OBC – 3 Years, Third Gender! transgender persons – 3 Years, Civic Volunteers I Village Police Volunteers. – 5 Years). The upper age limit is also relaxable for NVF/Home Guards Personnel serving in WestBengal Police only as per existing Government Rules LANGUAGE: – The applicant must be able to read, write, and speak Bengali language provided that the provision will not apply to the persons who are permanent residents of hill sub-divisions of Darjeeling and Kalimpong Districts. Note:- Applicants already employed in any Government Organization shall produce no Objection Certificate (NOC) from the Head of the Office/Disciplinary authority during the interview, if shortlisted for the same EDITING WINDOW :- An editing window for 07 (seven) days will be given to the applicants who want to edit/rectify their personal information already submitted in their Application Form. The period of this editing window will be available from 08.04.2024 to 14.04.2024. To edit the personal information, the applicant will have to provide their (i) Application SL No. or Registered Mobile Number (ii) Date of Birth (DOB) as entered in the Application. On providing these information, the applicant will get an OTP to their Mobile Number. On successful verification of OTP the applicant will be allowed to edit their information (except permanent State, Mobile Number & E-mail Id.). Applicants can change their category but change from non-paying category (SC &ST) to paying category (UR, EWS, OBC-A & OBC-B) [Application Fees) shall not be allowed. After editing all the details, the applicant has to submit the edited application otherwise no change will be reflected in the main data. Applicants will also be able to download the modified application pdf only after submission of the edited application or else the previous application pdf will be available. Request for change/correction in the personal details (except category) shall not be entertained under any circumstances after the last date of editing window. The West Bengal Police Recruitment Board will not be responsible for any consequences arising out of non-acceptance of any correction/addition/deletion in any particular field in application form whatever the reason may be. However, if a candidate procures caste certificate after editing window is closed and wants to change his/her category, the candidates must submit the petitions with relevant documents at changing caste.category ews.only@gmail.com mentioning the subject  properly  with  Application  SI. No. and Recruitment Drive e.g. “Sub.: Change of Caste/Category, Appl. SI. No. XXXXXXXX , Constables in West Bengal Police – 2024″ THE APPLICANTS ARE STRONGLY ADVISED TO SUBMIT THEIR APPLICATIONS WELL IN ADVANCE WITHOUT WAITING FOR THE LAST DATE AND TIME OF SUBMISSION TO AVOID DELAYED SUBMISSION DUE TO SERVER PROBLEM OR ANY OTHER TECHNICAL GLITCHES.