MIES Group

Psychosocial impact of covid-19

Psychosocial impact of covid-19

Psychosocial impact of covid-19 and some legal mechanisms in India One of the Top Competitive Institute in West Bengal, MIES Institute, puts an informative article on the psychosocial impact of covid-19 and some legal mechanisms in India written by on the top faculty Ms. Anupa Dey of MIES R. M. Law College under MIES Institute, Top most Coaching Centre for different Govt. Job exam preparation, which will enhance and aware more to mankind. MIES Institute is one of the Best Institute for WBCS exam in West Bengal, Head Office at Sonarpur, Main City Centre – Sealdah. Branches – Barasat, Behala Chowrasta, Howrah Maidan, Konnagar, Chinsurah, and Buniadpur. ——————————————————————————————————————— ABSTRACT ——————————————————————————————————————— 1.1 Introduction to Psychosocial impact of covid-19 The covid-19 virus gets its name from the word corona which means ‘Crown’ in Latin. Coronavirus has a series of crown-like spikes on its surface. The virus has been named novel as it has not been identified previously. The outbreak of the coronavirus started from Wuhan, the capital of China’s Hubei Province in December 2019 and has now spread across the globe. Although, the World Health Organization declared the outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on 30 January 2020, and a Pandemic on 11 March 2020. When Covid-19 was limited to Wuhan, China, it was an epidemic. The geographical spread turned it into a pandemic. Common signs of Covid-19 disease include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath, etc. In severe cases, it can cause pneumonia, SARS, Kidney failure, and even death. The pandemic, along with the obvious health-related impact, The pandemic, along with the obvious health-related impact, also poses a serious threat to the psychological wellbeing of individuals and has resulted in significant behavioral changes. The enormity of living in isolation, changes in our daily lives, job loss, financial hardship. And moreover, grief over the death of loved ones has the potential to affect the mental health and wellbeing of many. Covid-19 carries significant psychosocial and mental health hazards. As the mortality and morbidity statistics are reaching new peaks every day, isolation and lockdown states are getting prolonged, recreational opportunities for people are lessened and the financial crisis is building in, mental health issues are likely to grow exponentially. Therefore, there is a need to understand the psychosocial and behavioral perspectives of Covid-19 and delineate possible measures to cope with the pandemic for its effective management. Social Capital against Pandemic Growing Evidence suggests that outbreaks such as the Covid-19 pandemic are better handled in places where Social Capital is high. However, there are very few clear channels through which social capital makes communities better and able to respond to the outbreak. Social capital exists in different forms including trust, norms, and social networks. Social Capital is a “conceptual umbrella covering several more well-defined forms, such as networks, group memberships, civic and political participation as well as subjective aspects such as confidence in institutions and trust in people”. The Indian Constitution provides a distinct legal space to social capital through its Article 19(1) (c) on the right to form associations or unions and Article 43 which talks about States making endeavors to promote co-operatives in rural areas.   However, it is seen that some people don’t value their lives, their family’s lives, keep aside the nation and roam around freely. There is an urgent need to educate the Indians of the seriousness of the situation, and the best way is to make them aware of the laws related to COVID-19 and let them know the consequences they can face for breaking the rules of the lockdown. Here are a few laws related to Covid-19 that should be known to all citizens of India. Under the Chapter of Indian Penal Code which deals with the Offences affecting the Public health, safety, convenience, decency and morals Sections [269-271] and Section 188 of the Indian Penal Code deals with Disobedience to order duly promulgated by Public Servant. Section 144 of the Criminal Procedure Code imposes power on the Executive Magistrate to restrict a particular or a group of persons residing in a particular area while visiting a certain place or area. The most important preventive measure against Covid-19 is safeguarded by this section that restricts to a gathering of people and thus in a way supports social distancing. The Epidemic Disease Act, 1897, and The Disaster Management Act, 2005 provide the provisions and take measures, regulations for stopping the spread of infectious diseases. Apart from these provisions, the Central Government has made some regulations which are necessary for the prevention of spreading of these diseases. While there is a list of laws related to Covid-19 we as responsible citizens need to realize that these laws are made for our betterment only and if we realize the seriousness of the ongoing crisis there would be no need to implement strict laws against the defaulters. 1.2 Objective and Purpose of the Study The present literature-based Research-Paper is being worked out: To understand the psychosocial and behavioural perspective of Covid-19 To analyze the psychosocial impact of Covid-19 on different strata of society Moreover, to promote Social Capital for the people’s physical activity and health status during the pandemic  To aware the people of the Legal provisions which is related to Covid-19 and follow the provisions in a strict way   1.3 Significance of the Study This study is an attempt to map the issue of the psychosocial impact of Covid-19 on the population, mostly children, old persons, college students, and health professionals. The study has the focus on Social Capital which exists in different forms including trust, norms, and social networks. Moreover, the aim of this research is to give a thumbnail sketch of Legal Provisions relating to Covid-19 disease which will prevent the spreading of this very disease. This present work is unique amidst existing literature, which provides a panoramic survey of the psychosocial and behavioral aspects of Covid-19. Therefore, the Constitutional provisions and Indian laws are available against the spreading of this very disease. It is based on

The Impact of Lockdown for Covid- 19

The Impact of Lockdown for Covid- 19

The Impact of Lockdown for Covid- 19 be it positive or negative Mr. Ritwik Mukherjee is associated with MIES R M Law College for the last 7 years as an administrative officer. Mr. Jayanta Saha is also associated with MIES Institute as a guest faculty for the last 15 years. They both are very grateful to MIES Management forgive them a chance to express their thoughts about The Impact of Lockdown for Covid- 19 throughout the World. MIES Institute is one of the best competitive coaching centers in West Bengal. In His opinion, MIES Institute is one of the top competitive exam institutes in West Bengal. MIES is a renowned coaching centre for Govt. Job exams in West Bengal. Thousands of students appeared in Govt. service exam from MIES every year and got Govt. service maximum of them. MIES is the most popular Institute among Govt. Job aspirants because of their specialty in WBCS, PSC, SSC, BANK, RAIL etc exams.  MIES is a pioneer institute of WBCS coaching in West Bengal. As per students version MIES is the best training institutes for Govt. Job exam in west Bengal. The duo writer – Ritwik Mukherjee & Jayanta Saha The Positive /Negetive Impact of Lockdown due to Covid- 19 Negative Vives from Pandemic COVID 19 The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a dramatic loss of human life worldwide and presents an unprecedented challenge to public health, food systems, and the world of work. The economic and social disruption caused by the pandemic is devastating. Millions of people are at risk of falling into extreme poverty. Millions of enterprises face an existential threat. Nearly half of the world’s workforce is at risk of losing their livelihoods. Informal economy workers are particularly vulnerable because the majority lack social protection and access to quality health care and have lost access to productive assets. Without the means to earn an income during lockdowns, many are unable to feed themselves and their families. For most, no income means no food, or, at best, less food and less nutritious food. The pandemic has been affecting the entire food system and has laid bare its fragility. Border closures, trade restrictions and confinement measures have been preventing farmers from accessing markets, including for buying inputs and selling their produce, and agricultural workers from harvesting crops, the pandemic has decimated jobs and placed millions of livelihoods at risk. As breadwinners lose jobs. Companies, businesses, and educational organisations are taking major hits at the beginning of 2020 due to the rapid spread of corona virus and the results of our survey show that 86% are expecting revenue to take significant falls due to the direct impact of the outbreak. The significant drop in revenue will have a trickle-down effect on the economy as companies are struggling to adjust their business strategies in preparation for an economic downturn. Positive Vives from Pandemic COVID 19 It made us realize the value of health over money. Nothing really matters when health is lacking, has been a driving force toward a healthy lifestyle. There has been an increase in public health awareness, and people have become more receptive to what is being broadcasted and following them too. People learned the concept of immunity and ways to boost it. There has been a shift toward preventive medicine. Hygiene practices have risen which would go a long way to improve our immune system and decrease the load of infectious diseases. Children have learned the importance of hand washing. Since lockdown, the habit of eating outside food has also been curtailed. We learned to live on only homemade food. It has in a way helped us to improve our dietary habits. Positive vives over Knowledge It has given us knowledge that what we eat and how we behave daily determines how strong our immune system can be to enable it to fend off most problems before the use of medical intervention. Suddenly, from I do not have time for exercise, doing exercise has become a no-brainer, as we have learned the importance of a fit body and a healthy mind. To keep the mind healthy, various online yoga meditation courses such as the art of living have been offered. We are now happier doing exercise with our family members, sharing good quality time, and enjoying life. It is hoped that the world would now pay attention to the improvement of the healthcare system. The lockdown has also helped by increasing our attention to local communities. People are avoiding larger supermarkets in favor of the local suppliers whose shops are smaller and easier to reach. Children and adults of all ages are visible at all times of the day, making it easier to identify the social and developmental diversities of our communities Positive Effects over new ideas New business ideas such as the production of PPE kits, N95 masks, face shields, and sanitizers have started. India has now become an emerging producer of these products. This pandemic has given a boost to the make in India campaign and has promoted localization. People have also got jobs in various healthcare sectors during the COVID-19 times and people have come forward for the same despite knowing the risks involved. Before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the air around us had been deemed very toxic to breathe in due to the amount of greenhouse gases that had been emitted over the centuries. The Earth faced rising temperatures, which in turn led to the melting of glaciers and rising of sea levels. Environmental degradation was happening fast due to the depletion of resources such as air, water and soil. But after the corona virus lockdown commenced, there have been slight changes in the environment. The lockdown had resulted in positive impact on the environment The lockdown had resulted in positive impact on the environment. The environmentalists have successfully noticed the reduction of the emission of Greenhouse gases. The river is now more clear. Air quality has improved. Birds were rarely seen, are

West Bengal Civil Service Examination

West Bengal Civil Service Examination

                              West Bengal Civil Service Examination. A privilege to introduce a write-up from one of the Top Institute for Govt. Job exam, MIES Institute is a modern equipped Competitive Institute in West Bengal. An informative article on West Bengal Civil Service examination from Topmost Institute for WBCS exam preparation in West Bengal, MIES Institute is one of the Best Institute for PSC, SSC, RAIL, BANK exams preparation in Kolkata of West Bengal, situated at Sonarpur (HO), Sealdah (Main City Centre), Branches at Barasat, Behala Chowrasta, Howrah Maidan, konnagar, and Chinsurah, moreover, this Institute is one of the best coachings for Govt. Job exams preparation in West Bengal. The write-up follows below. West Bengal Civil Service (Executive), popularly known as W.B.C.S.(Exe), is the civil service of the Indian state of West Bengal. For the WBCS (Exe) and other comparative posts, the Public Service Commission of West Bengal arranges competitive examinations every year in three phases every year. These phases are Preliminary, Mains, and Personality Test. West Bengal Civil Service Examination Details FEES: INR 60,000/- At a time INR 66,000/- (18000 + 12000×4) Preliminary Exam:- 1 paper (qualifying) 2½ hrs. General Studies (8 topics including Reasoning, English language, History, Geography, Current Affairs, General Knowledge, General Science and Indian Polity and Economy MCQ 200 Main Exam:- Paper I 3 hrs. Bengali / Hindi / Urdu / Nepali/Santali Descriptive 200 Paper II English 200 Paper III General Studies-I : History & Geography MCQ 200 Paper IV General Studies-II : Science & Technology, Environment, G.K and Current Affairs 200 Paper V The Constitution of India & Indian Economy 200 Paper VI Arithmetic and Test of Reasoning 200 Paper VII Optional Subject Paper I[1] Descriptive 200 Paper VIII Optional Subject Paper II 200 Total Marks 1600[  Only one optional subject is to be taken from the prescribed list. Optional paper is only for those candidates who opted for Group A & B 2 Total marks are 1200 in case of Group C and D candidates Personality Test:- Personality Tests Group A Group B Group C Group D 200 Marks 150 Marks 100 Marks Eligibility:- Educational Qualification: A degree from a recognized university and ability to read and write Bengali but it is not required for the candidates having Nepali as a mother tongue. Age Limit:- WBCS age limit is defined separately for all the groups of services. The age of the candidates is counted from January 1 of the year of examination. It means that the age of the candidates will be counted from January 1, 2021 for the WBCS 2021 exam. The Group-wise WBCS age criteria are as follows : WBCS Age Limit for Group ‘A’ & ‘C’ Services The WBCS notification defines the age criteria Lower Age Limit-21 years Upper Age limit-36 years WBCS Age Limit for Group-B Services The WBCS group B service only includes the West Bengal Police Services (WBPS). The age criterion for WBCS Gr. B is as follows: Lower Age Limit-20 years Upper Age limit-36 years The candidates whose age is not below 20 years and above 36 years can apply for the WBCS Gr. B Services i.e for the WBPS. WBCS Age Limit for the Group-D Services The WBCS D Group services are the clerical positions in the state administrative machinery. The WBCS age criteria for Gr. D services are: Lower Age Limit -21 years Upper Age limit- 39 years WBCS Age limit relaxation The WBPSC also provides the age relaxation to the candidates belonging to certain reserved categories. 5 years age relaxation for SC/ST & 3 years age relaxation for OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) In the case of Persons with Disabilities (PWD), the upper age limit is relaxable up to 45 years. S.C./S.T./B.C. candidates of other States shall be treated as General category candidates. Besides the educational and age limit criteria, there are certain physical requirements which are required for certain positions Physical Slandered:- For West Bengal Police Service (Group ‘B’ Service) -The minimum height requirement is 1.65 metres for male candidates and 1.50 metres for female candidates subject to relaxation in the case of candidates belonging to races such as Gorkhas, Garwalis, Assamese Tribals etc. Candidates intending to be considered for this group must indicate their height in the appropriate column of the application form. Application Form Fill Up: – Usually, online form fill up begins for WBCS in the month of November. Preliminary Exam is held in the Last week of January or first week of February at different cities of West Bengal. Post the publications of Preliminary results, Mains Exams are held in June–July in some selected institutions of Kolkata city and at the office of WBPSC. The candidates who passed in Mains are called for Personality test. At last, a selection list is issued by PSC consisting the name of qualified candidates of Mains Exams and Personality test. All these processes take up to one and a half year. Recruitment:- There are different groups in the recruitment of such examination based on choice and merit of scored number. These are A Group, B Group (only for West Bengal Police Service ), Gr C[4], and Gr D. The WBCS (Exe) officers belong to Group-A. In general, As per the record of the WBPSC, the candidates with higher scores opt for WBCS (Exe), WBPS, and some allied services like erstwhile WBCTS, etc as their first choice. Since 1988 some of the top-ranked candidates have opted for an allied service called WB commercial Tax Service (WBCTS) as their first choice due to the less strenuous nature of the service and the lure of metro posting. Only WBCS (Exe) & WBCTS cadres are considered to be the State Civil Service by UPSC for direct promotion to IAS and WBPS officers are promoted to IPS after 7 to 9 years of service in state police service.[5] Functions: – The WBCS (Exe) officers are usually appointed as deputy magistrates or deputy collectors on probation and after completion of two years of mandatory administrative training under the tutelage of Administrative Training Institute, start their career as Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector and Block Development (B.D.O.) Officers. They also pass order in Executive Magistrate Court and execute some sections of Criminal Procedure Code. The officers of the cadre perform the key administrative functions at

The economic situation of Covid-19 after recovery

The economic situation of Covid-19 after recovery

The economic situation of Covid-19 after recovery A privilege to introduce a write-up from one of the Top Institute for Govt Job exam, MIES Institute is a modern equipped Competitive Institute in West Bengal. An informative article on this pandemic situation of Covid-19 after recovery of economic condition in India 2021 is been written by the Director of this Topmost Institute for WBCS exam preparation in West Bengal, Mr. Jayanta Majumder. He had brilliantly described in this article the economic situation of Covid-19 after recovery. MIES Institute is one of the Best Institute for PSC, SSC, RAIL, BANK exams preparation in Kolkata of West Bengal, situated at Sonarpur (HO), Sealdah (Main City Centre), Branches at Barasat, Behala Chowrasta, Howrah Maidan, konnagar, and Chinsurah, moreover, this Institute is one of the best coachings for Govt. Job exams preparation in West Bengal. The write-up follows below. The United Nations sees the Indian economy recovering by 7.3 per cent this calendar year after a corona virus-driven fall of 9.6 per cent last year. The UN’s World Economic Situation and Prospects 2021 report released on Monday said that “despite drastic fiscal and monetary stimulus” India’s gross domestic product (GDP) fell because of lockdowns and other containment efforts that “slashed domestic consumption without halting the spread of the disease.” India’s GDP growth was forecast to dip in the 2022 calendar year to 5.9 percent, according to the report. China, where the Covid-19 pandemic started and spread bring the rest of the world to its knees, was the only major economy to have grown last year, registering a 2.4 per cent increase last and is forecast to grow by 7.2 per cent this year and by 5.8 per cent next year, according to the report. The global economy shrank by 4.3 per cent last year and is forecast to grow by 4.7 per cent this year and 5.9 per cent the next. UN’s Chief Economist Elliot Harris said, “The depth and severity of the unprecedented crisis foreshadows a slow and painful recovery.” He warned against the temptation to impose excessive fiscal austerity while the world recovers from the pandemic. “As we step into a long recovery phase with the roll out of the vaccines against Covid-19, we need to start boosting longer-term investments that chart the path toward a more resilient recovery,” he said. He said that the world now needed “a redefined debt sustainability framework, universal social protection schemes, and an accelerated transition to the green economy.” Analytical figures regarding economic condition The World Bank earlier this month forecast India’s economy to fall by 9.6 per cent during the current financial year but recover by 5.4 per cent next financial year if there is wide vaccination against the disease and it is contained. Compared to this, according to the UN estimates made on a fiscal basis for India, its economy was estimated to fall by only 5.7 per cent in 2020-21 and increase by 7 per cent in 2021-22 and 5.6 per cent in 2022-23. Reports are coming in from many quarters that India is swiftly recovering from the economic crippling caused by Covid-19-related lockdowns. Factory output in the country has risen steeply and at levels not seen in nearly a decade. While the exact shape of the ‘curve’ of India’s economic recovery is still being analysed, there is a palpable sense that things could have been much worse; indeed, by some estimates, they had been forecast to be much worse. Present political scenario If a political economy event could be considered the measure of the emotion on a real street, then it would be the recent elections in Bihar, one of the country’s poorest major states, where the ruling BJP-JD(U) combine won the elections, mostly on the personal appeal of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.  What is going on? First, the stimulus rolled out by the Indian government has come in phases, with a constant feedback loop from the ground along with tweaks and alterations depending on the response. Second, the focus has consistently been on targeted delivery of cash and benefits to the most vulnerable parts of society where the money was more likely to be immediately spent rather than merely saved for a rainy day as middle-class financial behavior often tends to lean towards, thus creating money flow in the economy. A crisis in countries like India leads to an expanded rate in household savings.  Govt. Actions regarding The economic situation of Covid-19 after recovery By targeting the stimulus sharply on rural jobs and cash and benefits to the vulnerable, especially in village communities, the government ensured that support went to the most-needed sector in the country. This is also why agrarian growth has remained resilient in the face of contraction in the wider economy in 2020 and why sales from two- wheelers and tractors to fertiliser off-take have remained strong and steady even in a year of unprecedented crisis. Special mention must be made here of the PM Kisan Yojana that shifted direct cash transfers to around 10 crore farmers, distributing about Rs 90,000 crore since its inception in December 2018, a significant part of it paid during the Covid-19 lockdown.  Govt projects boost us economy Whether it is the rise in wages under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) or the special ex-gratia payments for around 200 million underprivileged women during the extreme lockdown, a vast portion of government help during Covid-19 has trickled down to the grassroots especially in non-urban areas, leading, unsurprisingly, to a record turnout of women voters in recent state elections around the country. Further reforms of agrarian markets, as rolled out recently, are likely to bring in much-needed private investment in the agricultural economy. The push for domestic sale and purchase of local products under Atmanirbhar Bharat has further propelled bumper sales at the Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC), including a record of four days of sales of more than Rs 1 crore (per day) in the 40 days following October 2—a special day for khadi

Child labor in India and the rest of the world

Child labor in India

Child labor in India and the rest of the world Mr. Jayanta Saha writes this awesome article about Child labor in India and the rest of the world. Moreover, he is associated with MIES Institute one of the best competitive coaching centers in West Bengal for the last 15 years as a guest faculty. He has huge experience in teaching for WBCS, SSC, PSC, RAIL, etc exams. In his opinion, MIES Institute is one of the top competitive exam institutes in West Bengal. MIES Institute Thousands of students appeared in Govt. service exams from MIES every year. And moreover, got Govt. service maximum of them. MIES is the most popular institute among Govt. Job aspirants because of their specialty in WBCS, PSC, SSC, BANK, RAIL, etc exams.  Moreover, MIES is a pioneer institute of  WBCS coaching in West Bengal. As per students version MIES is the best training institutes for Govt. Job exam in west Bengal. Child labour & World day We observed World Day Against Child Labour each year on 12 June to highlight the plight of child laborers. Not all work done by children should be classified as child labor. Work that does not affect their health and personal development or interfere with their schooling is generally as being positive. Therefore, the term ‘child labor’ is often defined as work that deprives children of their childhood. And moreover, is harmful to their physical and mental development. In 1979, the Indian govt. formed the Gurupadswamy Committee to find child labor prohibition and means to tackle it. Many NGOs like Bachpan Bachao Andolan, CARE India have been working to eradicate child labor in India. The govt of India implemented a law against child labor. But poverty is the mother of crime. Therefore, for the betterment of life and their family, they are compelled to do hard work. It is important to combat extreme poverty, a root cause of child labour. Child labor in India and the rest of the world According to the latest report. As announced by the International Labour organization, around one crore fifty lakh Indian children engaged in work between the age of 7 to 16 years old. They are victims of the cycle of poverty. Tens of thousands of Indian boys and girls are struggling every day to fulfill their needs. Therefore, it is nothing but vanity to attend school. In U.P, Bihar, M.P, Chhattisgarh, Uttarakhand it is a natural scenario where the children are employed or doing unpaid work. The latest survey study said, in India, many child laborers are working for starvation wages in textile factories, brick-making factories, selling cigarettes. Unfortunately, a number of girls are victims of child trafficking in India. A recent study says, more than fifteen lakhs of children involved in prostitution. Moreover, even after the COVID-19 pandemic, the situation are continued to be grim. UNICEF & Child Labor UNICEF said nearly one in ten children are subjected to child labor in the world. Almost half of them work in critical condition. Trafficked children are often subjected to violence, abuse, and other human rights violations. Many of whom have been uprooted by conflict, disaster. Moreover, poverty, being forced into work. Therefore, it is really a matter of regret, three crore children forcefully live outside their country. By 2025, an estimated 22 crore children will be facing a crisis period. The current COVID-19 pandemic can influence child labor. Moreover, including a fall in living standards, deteriorating employment opportunities, temporary school closures. UNICEF and Microsoft launch very recently to protect vulnerable children and women amid rising in domestic and gender-based violence due to COVID-19.

The feeling of void

The feeling of void

The feeling of void A Privilege to introduce a warm write-up from the Majumder Institute of Education & Success (MIES) Director’s daughter Ms. Madhurima Majumder. A brilliant medical student and she wrote an informative article on the depression framed in The Feeling of Void. She had brilliantly described in this article the role of depression and the remarkable remedies of getting out of it. MIES is one of the Top Institute for different Govt Job exams. And moreover, is one of the Best coaching center for WBCS exam in West Bengal, Head Office at Sonarpur, South 24 PGS, and Main city center at Sealdah, Kolkata. “It’s so difficult to describe depression to someone who’s never been there because it’s not sadness. I know sadness. Sadness is to cry and to feel. But it’s that cold absence of feeling — that really hollowed-out feeling.” — – J.K. Rowling Introduction of The feeling of void Depression – a term we are particularly aware of, yet it’s considered an apparently hush-hush topic in our society. Perhaps it’s time for us to shift attitudes around mental health. And moreover, the first step towards bringing a change is to come forward and talk about it. With the recent growth of social media users, many have found a platform to share their experiences with the hope of helping someone who’s out there dealing with it. What is Depression? By definition, clinical depression is termed as a persistent feeling of sadness or loss of interest. Moreover, this can lead to a range of behavioral and physical symptoms. It is often misinterpreted as bouts of sadness. While sadness can be one of the symptoms, depression in itself is much more than just that. Depression and anxiety are basically interlinked. Thus people with depression often experience symptoms similar to those of an anxiety disorder. When asked what depression normally feels like some patients described it as a feeling of emptiness, hopelessness! Where do you go when you hate our own company? How do you escape you? It’s always easier to win a battle when the enemy is on the outside. But what the enemy looks like you? What if the enemy is you? Statistics Statistically, according to the World Health Organisation, 264 million people suffer from depression worldwide. It is the leading cause of disability in the world. Hence we must educate ourselves about mental illness and how to comfort someone suffering from it. It’s time we try to be a little more compassionate towards each other. Well, I’m no expert in this field but with as much knowledge as I’ve gathered on this topic, I suggest we begin by starting to talk openly about mental health. And smash all the taboos surrounding it. Let’s start treating it like any other illness. When we have a fever, cough, and cold, we run to a physician to get ourselves checked. Likewise if we suffer from any forms of mental disorder we should seek professional medical help without being ashamed of it. Our brain is as important as any other organ in our body and we must protect it at any cost. We often meet people in our lives, be it our family members or friends who are blatantly ignorant. And end up using phrases such as ‘it’s all in your head’. ‘It’s just mood swings’ or ‘just be happy’. ‘Get over it already’, without realizing how this insensitive and negative approach can cause damage to someone’s life which is beyond repair. Cause  There could be various possible causes of depression including genetic vulnerability, stressful life, trauma, medications etc. It could also result from faulty regulation of a particular neurotransmitter called serotonin in our brain. It’s often said that its chemical imbalance in our brain which affects the way we think, feel and behave. However, that figure of speech fails to justify the complexity of this disease. Treatment According to various researches and studies, the most effective treatment was found to be the combination of medication and therapy. Depression can be mild, moderate, and severe. Hence the treatment for every individual differs, based on cause, duration, type, and various other factors. We ought not to put forth our opinions on what one is supposed to do so as to overcome depression until we are qualified enough. Sometimes all they are looking for is someone who would just be there and empathize with them. 2020 hasn’t been the best year for most of us but we are all in this together. With the increasing rate of suicides, unemployment, and numerous other hardships, it’s safe to say that we are all are working a little bit every day towards keeping our sanity intact. At this point, the utmost priority should be to focus on our mental peace. This year, in particular, is so difficult already, hearing someone out is the least we can do. According to psychologist, Ali Mattu, ”treating anxiety is much more about learning how to experience anxiety”. Neuroscientist, Robert Sapolsky said in an interview that people can survive with the right amount of anxiety. Thus the plan is not to get rid of it, the plan is to just have the biological rational, real bases of it turning our system on. Conclusion of The feeling of void  I chose this topic with the hope of instilling awareness into people and assuring them that it’s absolutely okay to feel a certain way at a certain point in our lives and there’s no need to feel embarrassed and ashamed about it. The best thing to do is seek help, go to therapy, talk to qualified people around, talk to friends and family and overcome it one step at a time. Let’s promise to prioritise our mental health over everything else. A beautiful ending line from Ms. Madhurima which touched the most is “every individual is unique and goes through life’s experiences in their own manner. Therefore, every individual experiences healing in their unique way and a ray of hope in people’s



THE VALUE OF TIME Money lost can be retrieved, Love lost can be reconciled, respect lost can be recognized but there is no remedy for the time lost. Time once lost cannot be recalled or relived under any circumstance; hence we see that loss of time is the biggest and non-recoverable loss. So let’s understand the value of time. “Time is a storm in which we all are lost”. View of Jayanta Majumder (Director of MIES Institute) Competitive exam study for different Govt. The job exam is most essential for established the career of every Govt. Job seekers. Being the Course Director of the MIES Institute, I feel that it is very necessary to grow the awareness to the society people as till today there is no alternative to Govt. Job in our country for a secure and peaceful life. In today’s digital world, time is the most valuable thing mankind can spend in his or her rat-race life. We all are running up to show off to others that how bigger, wealthiest and flamboyant we are against the others, and for that we all are not show calculative to what really we have achieved or what justice we had done with our own precious life which is gifted by the Almighty God. The value of time is not usually understood by people when they have it, it is realized only after it is lost, most people do not give due importance to today, tomorrow is given more importance. ‘I shall do it tomorrow’ is a very common statement even though everybody knows that tomorrow never comes. Time Management is the RAT to Catch Do theRight thingAt the rightTime The simplest way to manage your time well is to follow the principle of RAT, i.e.Do the Right thing At the right time. It is said that the ‘Sun has stood still but time never did’ and ‘time is never the same’. So if you do not do your work in the time you will not complete it in time. If you do not grab opportunities in time they will never come again. Now you may say that sometimes it is difficult to diagnose the right time to do work because time is not specified and doing it tomorrow and doing it today fetch the same result. Yes, it may, but don’t you think it is important that the outcome or the result is delayed by one day! Secondly, it may have its harmful effects on your personality in the long run, you may develop the habit of PROCRASTINATION. Hence the best way of using your time is to follow the principle of : D I NDo It Now DIN in Hindi means day i.e. by following this policy you will bring broad daylight in your personal and professional life. I have mentioned PROCRASTINATION in big capital letters just one paragraph before; this is because this is one thing, which one must beware of. Some people develop the habit of procrastination because they feel that delaying things for a little while does not make much of a difference, because the same outcome can be achieved even after a slight delay. They may even give an excuse that this gives them more time to think and plan out the things properly. This does not mean that you should not take time out to plan the things, but the optimum time taken to plan the things should only be permitted otherwise the extra time taken is just wasted. Habitual delayers must be aware of the consequence of delay which is well explained by the term DELAY itself: D – Delayed E – Execution L – Leads to A – Anguish and Y – Yelling You may very well understand that an assignment that is delayed may cause some sort of loss to your senior and is going to cause yelling which may be harmful to you in your career as well. The importance of time can be further understood by a simple mathematical example. An hour’s more work daily will add five years to your working life. This can be demonstrated by the following calculation: No. of years of working life 40 years No. of working days in a year(Excluding holidays) 312 days No. of working hours in a day 8 hours No. of working days in 40 years 312 × 40 12480 Add one hour to every working day 12480 hours No. of working hours in 1 year 312 × 8 2496 hrs No. of additional working hours 12480 No. of working hours 1 year 12480 / 5 years 2496 I am sure you can understand the importance of additional five years in your working life. These 5 years will distinguish you from others and bring about better success in your career. What if you waste one hour daily of your working life? Surely, you are going to reduce your working life for 5 years. Now, what if you waste 1 hour per assignment by delaying it by just one hour? You will further reduce your working life! maybe by several years.Hence, if we just put our life into a different calculation with Time Value, then it will be a much more meaningful life that a human can lead. Best Competitive Tutorial in West Bengal A privilege to introduce a write up from one of the Top competitive institutes in Kolkata. An informative article on the VALUE OF TIME is been written by the Course Director of one of the Best competitive institutes in West Bengal, Mr. Jayanta Kumar Majumder. He had always tried to penetrate through the welfare of society and always thrives for the betterment of humankind in society. MIES Institute is one of the Best Competitive Tutorial in West Bengal, for Govt. Job exams preparation. Thousands of students appeared in Govt. service exam from MIES every year and got Govt. service maximum of them. As per the student’s version, MIES Institute is one of the best coachings for

Money Market

Money market

Money Market Financial Market Money Market / Financial market is the market that facilitates the transfer of funds between investors/ lenders and borrowers/ users. The financial market may be defined as  ‘a transmission mechanism between investors (or lenders) and the borrowers (or users) through which transfer of funds is facilitated’. It consists of individual investors, financial institutions, and other intermediaries who are linked by a formal trading rule and communication network for trading the various financial assets and credit instruments. It deals in financial instruments (like bills of exchange, shares, debentures, bonds, etc). Classification of financial markets Money market / Markets for short term funds: Financial instruments traded in them mature in less than a year Capital markets / Markets for long term funds: Financial instruments traded in them mature in more than a year. Instruments of Money market Or Sub Markets of Money market Cash Management Bills (CMBs) — These are short term bills issued by central government to meet its immediate cash needs. The bills are issued by the RBI on behalf of the government. Hence the CMBs are short-term money market instruments that help the government to meet its temporary cash flow mismatches. Following are the features of CMBs. CMBs have a maturity of less than 91 days. The CMBs have the generic character of Treasury Bills as the CMBs are issued at a discount   and redeemed at face value at maturity. For example, if the face value of a CMB is Rs 100, we can get the bill at Rs 97 and at the end of the maturity date, say 60 after days, we can get Rs 100.   Here, there is no interest payment as the maturity period is so small. But the return for buying  CMB is obtained in the form of a discount. The tenure or maturity, notified amount (how much total CMBs to be issued) and date of issue of the CMBs depends upon the temporary cash requirement of the Government. CMBs are eligible as SLR securities. Investment in CMBs is also recognized as an eligible investment in Government securities by banks for SLR purpose under Section 24 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949. CMBs are issued first on May 12, 2010. The purpose of the mechanism is to enable the government to get short term money. Ways and Means Advances (WMA). Under WMA, the RBI gives temporary loan facilities to the centre and state governments as a banker to government for upto 90 days. Call money market (CMM) — The market where overnight (one day) loans can be availed by banks to meet liquidity. Banks  who seeks to avail liquidity approaches the call market as borrowers and the ones who have excess liquidity participate there as lenders. The CMM is functional from Monday to Friday.  Banks can access CMM to meet their reserve requirements (CRR and SLR) or to cover a sudden shortfall in cash on any particular day. Effectively, the Call Money Market is the main market oriented mechanism to meet the liquidity requirements of banks. Notice money market The call money is usually availed for one day. If the bank needs funds for more days, it can avail money through notice market. Here, the loan is provided from two days to fourteen days. Participants Participants in the call money market are Scheduled commercial banks (excluding RRBs), co-operative banks (other than Land Development Banks) and Primary Dealers (PDs) [ i.e A primary dealer is a bank or other financial institution that has been approved to trade securities with a national government ] are permitted to participate in call/ notice money market both as borrowers and lenders. As per the new regulations, Payment Banks are also allowed to participate in CMM as both lenders and borrowers. Banks are the dominant participants in the CMM and hence it is often known as interbank call money market. Surplus banks will give loans to other banks. Deficit banks that need funds will purchase it. * Functioning of the Call Money Market Loans are availed through auction/negotiation. The auction is made on interest rate. Highest bidder (who is ready to give higher interest rate) can avail the loan. Average interest rate in the call market is called call rate. This call money rate is an important variable for the RBI to assess the liquidity situation in the economy. The CMM is known as the most sensitive segment of the financial system. Treasury Bill ( TB ) — When the government is going to the financial market to raise money, it can do it by issuing two types of debt instruments – treasury bills and government bonds. Treasury bills are issued when the government need money for a shorter period while bonds are issued when it need debt for more than say five years. Treasury bills; generally shortened as T-bills, have a maximum maturity of a 364 days. Hence, they are categorized as money market instruments (money market deals with funds with a maturity of less than one year). Treasury bills are presently issued in three maturities, namely, 91 days, 182 days, and 364 days. Treasury bills pay no interest Moreover, treasury bills are zero-coupon securities and pay no interest. Rather, they are issued at a   discount (at a reduced amount) and redeemed (given back money) at the face value at maturity. For example, a 91 day Treasury bill of Rs.100/- (face value) may be issued at say Rs. 98.20,   that is, at a discount of say, Rs.1.80  and  would  be redeemed  at  the face value of Rs.100/-. This means that you can get a hundred-rupee treasury bill at a lower price and can get Rupees hundred at maturity. The return to the investors is the difference between the maturity value or the face value (that is Rs.100) and the issue price. The Reserve Bank of India conducts auctions usually every Wednesday to issue T-bills. The rational is that since their maturity is lower, it is more convenient to avoid intra period interest payments. Treasury bills

Bank Clerk and Probationary Officer

Bank Examination

The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection, popularly known as the IBPS is an autonomous body. It conducts recruitment examinations for all Public Sector Banks except the SBI. Over the years, it has also provided services related to assessment and testing for different banks through various bank exams. State Bank of India( SBI) is also conducting Cl & PO exam separately. The centralized examinations covering all public sector banks’ recruitment started on a limited scale the same year. The process was made fully online in the late 2000s. The IBPS /SBI conducts the following examinations. IBPS PO Examination – SBI Recruitment of Specialist Cadre Officer on a regular basis. IBPS SO Examination – SBI Junior Associates (Customer support & sales) / Clerk. IBPS Clerk Examination IBPS RRB Examination A lot of students of MIES have achieved success in all these exams.

West Bengal Central School Service Commission (WBCSSC)

West Bengal School Service Commission Act, 1997 (West Bengal Act IV, 1997) enacted by Notification No- 936-L, dated 1.4.1997 came into force with effect from 01.04.1997 for the purpose of recruitment of Assistant Teachers and Headmaster / Headmistress in recognized Non- Government aided schools in West Bengal. and presently the recruitment process is guided by the West Bengal School Service Commission. (Selection of Persons for Appointment to the post of Teachers), Rules 2007. The state Government latter on decided that The Non- Teaching staffs in the post of Librarian, Clerk, and Group- D staff including Laboratory Attendant, Peon, Night Guard, Matron in recognized Non- Government aided schools in West Bengal should also be recruited through School Service Commission, and accordingly necessary amendments have been introduced in the said Act, vide the West Bengal School Service (Amendments) act 2008 (West. Ben. Act IV of 2008) and such selection process be guided by the West Bengal School Service Commission (Selection of Persons for Appointment to the post of Non- Teaching Staff) Rules 2009.